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Messages - xMoD

Pages: [1]
Anyone at all, have anything.
I tried on another forum, but didnt get anything at all either!


For the junk code, try this.
declare fin as
Code: [Select]
char fin[100]={0};

didnt change at all :/

Doesnt anyone know how to do what I need :/

take string from cin split by comma into char array
At least without using boost

C - C++ / I need to take string from cin, split by comma into char array
« on: November 01, 2014, 08:35:57 PM »
Code: [Select]

char *split(string s)
char holder[100]; // Holder for string to char[]
char fin[100];   // Final array
char * pch;

strcpy(holder, s.c_str());

pch = strtok(holder, " ");
while (pch != NULL)
printf("=>%s\n", pch);
strcpy(fin, pch); // copy pch into fin array
pch = strtok(NULL, " ");
return fin;

Is my current code, and I use like:

string cmd;
cout << split(cmd)<<endl;

It spits out each thing i type on a new line, seperated by a space...
But when I cout it, its a jumble of junk :

Is there a better way to do this, and where if i did
split(cmd)[0] the first element would be the first word separated by a space OR comma.. (Or any other deliminator i want)
Thanks :D

Pages: [1]

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