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Messages - deltabravo191

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Lock picking.
« on: May 24, 2014, 04:57:57 AM »
I know no one has replied to this in a while, but I just found this post and wanted to share this website to anyone else who stumbles upon this.

 I have played around with lock picking for quite sometime now, when I first started I was to cheap to buy a set so I looked up how to make them. If you have any old hacksaw blades lying around (or new) and a grinder you could print out these templates and make your own. The metal used in the blades is very strong and makes a nice beginner set. Of course once I knew I liked playing around with locks I bought a set, but these are nice just to get your feet wet (and it seems to have its own satisfaction of making something like this  ;) ).

Pages: [1]

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