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Messages - wopr

Pages: [1] 2
Hardware / Re: Recommendations for Android Phones.
« on: January 03, 2016, 12:52:29 PM »
Im shocked none of you suggested the Jolla I love mine OS does take getting use to from android or IOS but I love it (If you wanna order it in the USA easiest way is via  ;D

General discussion / Re: Reading on Kindle
« on: December 31, 2015, 10:11:09 AM »
@Kulverstukas: Whats the OS on the device with all the features it supports looks like custom android rom?? How's the hardware build quality?? I myself only went with kindle cause the hardware quality is above par vs kobo (spare parts are easy to source for kindle vs others also  :P)

@rogue.hackz: kindle's use a stripped down linux os thats why PDF support kinda sucks, you can mod it (have to disable your amazon cloud sync) and if you haven't seen .azw4 books yet they are PDF's enclosed in .mobi I think it was (makes it more readable vs same book .pdf but no one has a good converter app yet like amazon does)

kulverstukas damn you  >:( now you got me interested in that pocketbook as long as it's not a custom android rom OS !!!!!

Pocketbook is using LINUX OS think I might have to switch up now...

Operating System / HELP needed porting defunked WM/DE in linux
« on: December 27, 2015, 04:40:15 PM »
Looking to bring current an old dropped GUI in linux anyone have any experience in this area and has time to give me some pointers ????

Hardware / Re: Recommendations for Android Phones.
« on: November 01, 2015, 01:03:17 AM »
Stick with an iphone. If you can't do your own research.

Ouch truth hurts for 99.8% of them, I do know some very smart people that use iOS they just dont have time to mess around with tweaking android. 

If it was an android only world alot of clueless people wouldn't have smart devices or there'd be a new line of work as a smart device tech

Operating System / Re: Win 7
« on: November 01, 2015, 12:55:25 AM »
Yea windows 10 is kinda a nightmare for some upgrades but after everything is working and turn off all the spy/cloud crap it's actually not bad (backward compatibility seems very broken vs win 7 backwards compatibility FYI)

Dang it, that's not cool. I like my keepass.

Gonna have to read this im sure it's for x86 systems, thanx for giving me work todo  :P

Hardware / Re: Asus EEE Book X205TA [Update]
« on: October 31, 2015, 01:58:49 PM »
 Yea your looking at top end laptops so yea $$$

 But if your using it for productivity reasons it is worth it in the end is it not?

 If you only want it for toying around can always pickup the superseded models lenovo X200 for example, or lower Im pretty sure their X series line all has extended batteries.

 Myself I was picking up Asus 1000HE's for $40+sh on ebay specs are 32bit N280 Atom blah blah. But they have a 10hr battery life on low use and toss out 6hrs on max use. Yeah they arent pretty or lite for that matter but for basiclly $50 bucks I have something I would of spent $100 easy on if it was a Rasp_Pi

All depends what you want todo with it. (peek the 1000HE has ton of mods, only bad thing I can give it is the damn mouse buttons are soldered on mainboard, and the thing is a TANK (weight/build))

Hacking and Security / Re: Fuzzer tool http/https anyone?
« on: October 31, 2015, 01:36:44 PM »
Actually it must be cause that result produces crap alot of tools compare themselves to acunetix,  but I'm looking for is a 1:1 in features of what acunetix's fuzzer module does. So you've need to have atleast tried acunetix to even know what Im refering too.

And I pointed out the Fuzzer tool IN acunetix not refering to acunetix as a whole!!!!  :P

Hacking and Security / Fuzzer tool http/https anyone?
« on: October 31, 2015, 06:37:24 AM »
Looking for a http(s) fuzzer tool like the one in acunetix, anything close that compares (need the generator feature)

Operating System / OS/HD Image conversion Anyone?
« on: October 28, 2015, 10:21:45 AM »
Has anyone seen something or know of a way to handle multiple IMAGE formats for disk imaging tools and convert them ?? (acronis, ghost, vm, etc...) handling multiple OSes would be nice too but im sure that would only be a linux/osx tool at this point. 

Operating System / Re: PentestBox
« on: October 28, 2015, 10:04:44 AM »
Someone that has run this, what is it linux tools compiled for windows? cygwin? interix?

Hardware / Re: Asus EEE Book X205TA [Update]
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:31:50 AM »
If you looking for battery life I suggest looking for one that can handle an external battery (ie. ibm/lenovo, dell, hp's) mainly the business models have support for a 2nd or 3rd battery (ibm/lenovo)

Asus netbooks arent bad but dated I have a 1000HA I use to use alot got 6~7 hr's under load with linux Im sure it'd hit 10hrs plus with the crazy 12cell battery some resellers were selling after you rebuilt it with some nice 3200mAh sanyo/samsung cells  ;D

I have a newer baytrail cpu convertable I gotta say it's nice on battery life and not having a cooling FAN sucking up 1/4 to 1/3 of your battery is nice also. Maybe take a peek at one of those?

Hardware / Re: What kind of tools do you guys use?
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:21:28 AM »
Depends on your budget of course and how much your soldering but HAKKO's are great all the newer models have the fisher-price color theme going on (YELLOW and BLUE) if your searching via ebay.

if you need something cheap and good AOYUE has been pretty good ( I myself usually buy these first if i use it enough i'll ebay it and grab a HAKKO version )

I'd stay away from xtronics brand i'm sure i'll get some flame on this but their build quality vs aoyue seems soooooo much crappier for the same price.

News and Announcements / Re: Board restrictions to new members
« on: October 28, 2015, 09:14:56 AM »
I thought I was going crazy for a second not seeing the ebooks section anymore, Feel like im back in the old BBS days now PCR in effect  :P that's cool I guess get people posting instead of just signing up and leeching

Hacking and Security / Looking for a Unrestricted Host/Provider?
« on: August 27, 2014, 08:10:10 PM »
Looking for a unrestricted hosting company something where I can do intrusive nmap scans, some brute forcing and not have to worry bout TOS crap from USA/EU

shell or vps even dedi is fine hopefully keep it under 15euro a month

Pages: [1] 2

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