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Messages - hanshjc

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Signal through Network
« on: May 21, 2014, 03:11:41 PM »
SUPER-THANKS a million for the input,  I will get my Programmer on it  !

Will inform you soon of his feedback !

BiiiiiiiG smiles on my side here !
Have a great day,
Update follows soon, I gladly share with you.


General discussion / Re: Signal through Network
« on: May 19, 2014, 12:12:19 PM »
It's good to know will need a combination of Software and Hardware. I thought so, yes.

But as long as it can accomplish the task to get the code (simple 9-digit code, example: 134S46N61) through to the Website (database). That's all.
More I don't need.

In the product image you saw, there will be a Chip inside, however I don't know if it's an ATmel chip or whichever type. I'll ask the Programmer that. (He's an experienced Taiwanese programmer).
Will keep you Posted.

Thanks so much for your valuable input !!!   (Seriously SuperCool)
Thanks, Arrigatou, Danke, Obrigado, Merci, Dank je, Xie-xie, Grazie, Gracias, Spasiba   ;)

General discussion / Re: Signal through Network
« on: May 16, 2014, 08:36:03 AM »
GREAT   !!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks so much guys !    I'll give this information to my Technician, then ask him the reply.
I keep you posted, will let you know how the next steps will go !

a MILLION thank again already   ;D

General discussion / Re: Signal through Network
« on: May 15, 2014, 09:58:28 PM »
Hah,  yes, sorry about the HUBs word, Switch is a better term for sure these days.

To describe the product, is difficult yes.

Basically it is a product that will be used to send a basic signal to my website.

I wanna do that WITHOUT having to install any windows or MAC software or whatever.
Chip inside it can be programmed in any way as to let it do as I wish > which is just getting this signal OUT when people click on it.

(simple signal/code/bytes or whatever such as this one: 134S46N61)

Question is :  can it be done ?

General discussion / Signal through Network
« on: May 15, 2014, 09:38:28 PM »
Hi Hackers,

I have a short product design question I hope somebody could help me with;

The System Environment:
A regular office network with windows-/mac-based PC's, (wireless) network switch and internet Router connected online.

I have a USB device switch, when it's plugged into a networked PC; the switch can be used.
Each time used  it will send a code (simple such as this one: 134S46N61)  to my website.

No need to install anything, simply bypass windows/OS and network protocol all-together, a direct simple signal from usb device to my website.

Is it possible for this USB switch to send signal straight out without anything, bypassing everything?
If yes, could somebody provide some brief advice ?

It's not for any hacking, I just need to get a small signal out only. Thanks again for helping me out, it means a lot to me.

Pages: [1]

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