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Messages - chamelephon

Pages: [1]
Using truecrypt to protect your files requires certain caution.
The best you can do is use the auto-dismount feature that "removes" the key from RAM after a certain period of time.
If you are using an entire encrypted disk/partition , that would not work though.
What i find useful but extreme is "destroying" all the USB/firewire/everything with DMA(direct memory access) ports on the computer. That way a PassWare attack becomes impossible. If you are serious about your activities though, that wouldn't be such a problem.

Hacking and Security / Re: Where to start with hacking
« on: May 16, 2014, 01:57:56 PM »
When you're on your way to becoming a great and fearsome hacker make sure to start building from the right foundation.
Don't wait to score big to build a new online identity. Everything leaves a trail these days and it's a must to start hacking while building a very good operational security routine.

1. Never mix your dark and public identity.
2. Never use the same computer for hacking and your social life.
3. Make sure to build the right environment to work with. Use operating systems like TAILS or Qubes and learn to use them instead of mainstream OSes.
4. Make sure to have a media-entry point which is not traceable to you.
5. Use vpns/proxies/shells/tunnels or whatever in as complex combination as possible.

and the most important of all : DON'T GET SPOILED OR LAZY OVER TIME.

Happy days.

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