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Messages - Vingilot

Pages: [1]
So I have a slightly weird query, and here's hoping someone may know how to help me out.  I'll try my best to explain.

I was recently let go from my job, which I accessed from home via their corporate portal.  When they laid me off, my home computer was still logged into the system, and as long as I didn't close the window it I was still able to access everything. 

Now, my computer restarted automatically much to my chagrin, and I am lo longer able to view the website on my computer.  However, I regularly accessed the website on my smart phone, and surprisingly I still have access on my phone, since I never signed out there (or plan to).  I can still see schedules and everything on my phone, and it still thinks I am logged in.

My question is this:  is there a way I can use my foot in the door (the site being open on my phone) to regain access on my computer? 

Pages: [1]

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