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Messages - khofo

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 18
Hacking and Security / Re: 24 Hour Hack - 99 000'th post
« on: February 16, 2016, 06:26:54 PM »
Well imo that's a good idea, I like it and seems fun.

On the other hand I would like to ask since I am not familiar with this kind of challenge.

- What would be the target ? Is it like getting into a website or a server, finding a certain file on that server or just raping every hole that server may have.
I am not sure how to phrase that actually but more details on the main event would be great

General discussion / Re: Dream Car?
« on: January 22, 2016, 07:28:07 AM »
G63 6x6 AMG

Projects and Discussion / Re: Pinger - A Finished Python Project
« on: January 04, 2016, 05:38:48 AM »
Code: (Python) [Select]

enter = raw_input("Do you agree to terms and conditions of 'The Hacker-Toolkit'? [Y/N]")
print(" ")
if enter == 'Y':
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'
elif enter == 'yes':
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'
elif enter == 'y':
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'
elif enter == 'yes':
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'
elif enter == 'yeS':
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'
elif enter == 'yES':
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'
elif enter == 'yEs':
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'
elif enter == 'YEs':
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'
elif enter == 'Yes':
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'
elif enter == 'YES':
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'
elif enter == 'YeS':
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'

This part hurt my eyes so much.
simply convert "enter" to lowercase, and look for it in a list.

Code: (Python) [Select]
enter = raw_input("Do you agree to terms and conditions of 'The Hacker-Toolkit'? [Y/N]")
print(" ")
yes = ["y","yes"]
if enter.lower() in yes:
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'

Or simpler

Code: (Python) [Select]
enter = raw_input("Do you agree to terms and conditions of 'The Hacker-Toolkit'? [Y/N]")
print(" ")
if enter.lower() is "y" or "yes":
   print '\033[1;32mThank you for using The Hacker-Toolkit.\033[1;m'

Hardware / Re: Recommendations for Android Phones.
« on: January 04, 2016, 05:09:45 AM »
I would go for the Xperia Z5 Premium.
imo it's the best phone on the market, very fast, awesome 4K screen, SUPER AWESOME battery life, yoy charge it once a day and it's okay.
Also the Sony UI is perfect at least for me, also the build quality is super high quality and it's very durable and waterproof.
I also hate Samsung devices, so if you want any other phone I'd suggest a Nexus.
Anyways for me it's Sony > Any other phone by miles

@khofo, i want yo send you a pm with code, but i can't get a code from IRC

@fur, you could've just go right click inspect element and get the code :) Yes, javascript is painful for me since i'm more of a backend developer then frontend, and PHP has better support for needed functions :)

You can it and then pm me the link on IRC, I have a bouncer so I'll receive the link at anytime no problem just /query khofo <insert link here>

General discussion / Re: What were your Christmas presents?
« on: December 27, 2015, 12:47:24 AM »
- Oakley sunglasses
- Sweatpants/shirt
- Wristband
- $600 (cash)
- Car for a week

Yes, i'm the author
We would love to take a look, mind to link us to Github or post it on here ?

General discussion / Re: Lets talk about names?
« on: December 03, 2015, 04:48:50 PM »
well I've been using khofo for like 6 years, it all began when I went to Egypt, it's actually pretty simple it's the name of the biggest pyramid (the name of the Pharaoh buried there).
And it's khofo instead of khufu due to the way it's pronounced in arabic

Found it on the Webs / A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language
« on: November 30, 2015, 01:39:55 PM »

Great comics, check above

Java / Re: A question about source code editors
« on: November 23, 2015, 09:09:32 PM »
Any text editor can do it,
personally I like to use atom (, the editor is neat, has highlighting for most languages and some autofill and space/tabs option, it also has most of the functionalities np++ has.
A thread about text editors:
Anyways other popular option are sublime text and vim(cli)

General discussion / Re: Anonymous declares war on Isil
« on: November 18, 2015, 07:46:58 PM »
Well as an Arab I do agree with iTpHo3Nix and Darkvision,
since yes the arabs are generally very dumb, not dumber than most murican's, but atleast murican's aren't blowing up shit everywhere, but history has proven that they can be manipulated quite easily.
If you want to nuke them go ahead, but stay far from lebanon or wait until I get the hell out of here, but we all know "nuking" is a rather "controversial" way to deal with the problem.
When it comes to Anonyshit, hacking into their twitter accounts, may cut a bit of the recruiting but these have magazines in multiple languages and websites, in france facebook is a widespread way to recruit and communicate, since most of the guys joining ISIS are stupid kids spending their time on facebook that everntually got manipulated, but a french journalist made a fake account acting as a women who wants to go to syria and marry a "mujahid", 2 days later she has 200 friends half of them already  in Syria and the other half intending to go there. The problem there is that it's a known fact is that it's very easy for a gov to shtdown fb accounts, especially when it's about terrorism and the banner + feed of these guys are mainly ISIS propaganda. I could do a script to identify all the ISIS account for god's sake

General discussion / Re: Anonymous declares war on Isil
« on: November 16, 2015, 06:47:15 PM »

General discussion / Evilzone's Album
« on: November 15, 2015, 06:28:01 PM »
So today out of boredom, I went on Freenode to troll some l33t haxors.
I then ran into JoePie91 on ##security, he knew I am related to EZ, I then learned a bit about EZ's History an such, and then during the convo he said he'll upload Evilzone's Album to, and here you go:
This thing is epic lol

I'll need some explanations about it lol, and I wasn't sure about updating the initial thread with the link:

Creative Arts / Re: The Music Thread
« on: November 13, 2015, 12:40:34 PM »
My Current Top 10 songs, (not in a specific order):

- Toxicity by System of a Down
- Flight of Icarus by Iron Maiden
- Tonight he Grins by Savatage
- Dream On by Aerosmith
- Deep Six by Marilyn Manson
- Don't let me be misunderstood by The Animals
- The Unforgiven III by Metallica
- This means War by Avenged Sevenfold
- Believe by Savatage
- Engel by Rammstein

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 18

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