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Messages - VERYinterested

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It took a long time before I started  to find real hacking websites. EvilZone is an awesome website.

pesonally mate iw ouldnt join that site nor pay for information although its only 3.99, i would pay for the basic Principle that we can get information for free we are hackers :)

if you truey want to learn all you need is will power and the ability to torrent and your good to my friend

i dont see what you can get on that site that you cant get from anywhere else bro

If you know of any good tutorials for noobs please let me know. I am very interested in hacking. I have the time and the ambition. Have a great day!

-- Use the modify button! Also, stop posting requests for tutorials all over the place. It looks desperate. Find them yourself there's tons of resources on the forum.

Hacking and Security / Noob needs help! :)
« on: March 24, 2014, 09:33:44 PM »
 :) Hi everyone,

I introduced myself before in the member intro section of your site.

As I said before, I am very new to hacking. I have worked on linux machines for many years before getting into hacking.  My understanding of the command prompt in Ubuntu for example was limited. I found a an application to crack passwords on a popular website but I do not know how to use a python app or how to move around in the command prompt.

If someone knows of a good tutorial for noobs please post it here!


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