Reverse Engineering / Re: Cracking tutorials request
« on: March 09, 2014, 03:13:34 PM »
Wonderful! Great coverage, thank you very much. This should be a good read.
Do you by chance know of anything suited specifically for the .NET world, or any other virtual machine environment? Or is there no difference, i.e. the methods presented are generic? For some reason I have a belief, which may be entirely false, that cracking would be harder in the managed code setting.
My apologies. I was trying to kindly ask for help on a forum which I consider relevant for the question. As I stated in the post, I did find Krobar's collection, which anyone can find on Google, among the first results. I think posting the link would be sort of an insult to the readers' intelligence.
Again, I did not mean to push the policies of this forum. If you consider this thread inappropriate, please delete it and carry on.
All the good.
Staff note: No double posting...!
Do you by chance know of anything suited specifically for the .NET world, or any other virtual machine environment? Or is there no difference, i.e. the methods presented are generic? For some reason I have a belief, which may be entirely false, that cracking would be harder in the managed code setting.
Who are you to ask for things? you didn't even post an intro not to mention any kind of contribution.
My apologies. I was trying to kindly ask for help on a forum which I consider relevant for the question. As I stated in the post, I did find Krobar's collection, which anyone can find on Google, among the first results. I think posting the link would be sort of an insult to the readers' intelligence.
Again, I did not mean to push the policies of this forum. If you consider this thread inappropriate, please delete it and carry on.
All the good.
Staff note: No double posting...!