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Messages - Teapot

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Oh shit a printer MiTM attack would actually a brilliant idea to steal tests and cheat sheets lol

Your going to have to leave the comforts of Windows for that.

Your assuming that he is attempting this from a 3rd party machine.
If he is attempting to grab the files being sent from his computer/ a computer
he has access to it would be much easier just to hook the process and copy the

this would require some programming and at least a little bit of win API knowledge.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Currency converter proram
« on: April 21, 2015, 12:18:06 AM »

I understand your point and I think your rather right. The project will start after about 1 month or so and I have all the summer to work on it so now I'm just simply brainstorming and discussing the ideas that I have in mind. But if I would make a currency converter program I would most probably be targeting local stores and shops. Shops will definitely buy a program for a decent price to run in it in their cash registers due to the reason that's its going to be cross platform. I do have other ideas that I will end up discussing with you guys so brace yourselves.

I suggest renaming thread  "school project idea's" and giving us some more examples =) that
way we can brainstorm the actual problem and not just nitpick this one idea.

I am not too fond of this particular idea either haha +) in case it was not obvious.

Projects and Discussion / Re: Currency converter proram
« on: April 20, 2015, 08:32:04 PM »
The only problem i see with this is that the value of any one currency is constantly changing so you would have to grab the info from somewhere (like google) to keep your program accurate.

Next google already has this feature, just type in euro to US or any other currency and it will display it with input fields to change the value to convert. So the sale of this product would be rather low... and even if people would buy it as i said above you would have to grab the info from somewhere that keeps current info on all the different currency's which if you grab from the wrong person could lead to a lawsuit if you are trying to sell it.

Lastly... the actual conversion would be supremely simple, the hardest part of this would be the GUI which you would spend WAY more time on then the backend. Are you sure this is of sufficient difficulty to get you a good grade?

General discussion / Re: Number of monitors
« on: April 17, 2015, 09:12:37 PM »
One with multiple desktops.

Scripting Languages / Re: Pokemon text-based game.
« on: April 16, 2015, 10:20:50 PM »
Listen to the errors you are getting, read the error messages.
What i was getting, and what i assume you are getting, was newb mistakes
that are easily fixed.

1. you are not declaring the
Code: [Select]
attack= variable inside of a new function.
A quick fix for this would be to make it a global variable and then reassign its value in each
function or to declare it separately in each function.

More specifically you where typing
Code: [Select]
attack== just remove the second =

2. You where mixing capital and lower case letters.
The first half of the program used lower case in the answers the second half used upper case.
Python is case sensative so if your user enters in
Code: [Select]
run and the flow modifier compares
it as an upper case
Code: [Select]
Run then it will jump to the else statement.
Which was "make your decision" or something.

3. After that one i got another declaration error and stopped working on it.  Presumable you accidentally
added a second = sign when trying to declare it.

Beginner's Corner / Re: wifi hacking question
« on: April 14, 2015, 11:19:30 PM »
u am trying to lean but since i know no one who is enough technically advance to help me i  am facing problem

there is no one to guide me
i want to learn but people here dont understand
they dont let me learn they think hacking is illegal & they will get if trouble if they let me learn about security
its 2:22 AM in my country
& i am still up because my parents are sleeping in day time they dont let me learn about hacking they just want me to study , graduate from collage , find a job & live boring life  i dont want life like that

Seriously, i rant about how the only way you are going to get anywhere in computer security is to be independant and you reply with "help, there is no one to guide me."


Beginner's Corner / Re: wifi hacking question
« on: April 14, 2015, 10:43:46 PM »
if u want to save your time you can just post the link of thread where user asked the same question & u can lock my thread after that
& in this post my  HACK means  stealing sensitive information or accessing someone else device without his/her permission

Give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach a man to fish feed him for a lifetime.

This lifestyle is strictly DIY or GTFO, we do not care what you use your knowledge for.
However you will not get far in this field if you cannot educate yourself, if you cannot think for
yourself. The education system has trained you to regurgitate facts, suppressing creativity and thought.
If you want to get anywhere in this field the first step is to break away from all that and learn to find your
own knowledge, to think and do for yourself.

Beginner's Corner / Re: wifi hacking question
« on: April 14, 2015, 10:14:43 PM »

i am sorry for being rude, what you are looking for is a GtFO attack.

Beginner's Corner / Re: wifi hacking question
« on: April 14, 2015, 09:31:17 PM »
yeh dude ther wur som cool hakurs in theis website bro I thank they can halp you with ur haking:

ppl here dont really know how to hakin I think u shuld try at that websit ^^^

Speak for yourself i just DDOS'd my school xD

If you get anything good would you please share it with me?
My skype is: l33th4x0r

Thanks in advance =)

Thanks everyone, will first start with ebooks, then who know :)

Just remember that your end goal requires knowledge in multiple fields.
Do not expect it to all come to you at once and do not expect it to happen

My recommendation so you do not loose your drive is to tackle each step individually and
to enjoy the "abilities" that come with each skill as you progress. Choose your first ones based upon what would
be funnest to practice and use so you have something to do when you are sick of learning whatever it is you are currently

Operating System / Re: Questions For Kali as main OS.
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:43:30 PM »
One thing you have to remember is that *nix is only as secure as what you put into it.
The power of it is not that it is impenetrable but that it is open source and thus
it can be patched up and worked on by the community and by yourself individually.

Security is 100% up to you.

Beginner's Corner / Re: How can I brute force webmail via THC-Hydra?
« on: April 12, 2015, 07:18:08 PM »
You have a post asking for download links to a list of ebooks and this garbage.

GTFO, HF is waiting.

Why you attack me immediately.

We have not flamed you yet, i and the others are giving you warning shots.

1. Designing BSD Rootkits
2. Practical Malware Analysis
3. Rootkits: Subverting The Windows Kernel
4. Malware Analyst's Cookbook
5. The Art Of Computer Virus Research and Defense
6. The Rootkit Arsenal is another good one
7. the giant black book of computer viruses

I prefer courses, but its not a problem to learn from book.

The force is strong in this one.

      There is no "Beginner to Expert" course, you need to learn the individual pieces... individually.
Through countless hours of research and reading you will compile the knowledge necessary to accomplish
your goals.
      I highly doubt you have the dedication required to do this but if you do look up Malware Analysis and
Reverse Engineering.

P.S Your not in the wrong category, your on the wrong forum.

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