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Messages - ThePH30N1X

Pages: [1] 2 3
You need to compile the kernel and modules first.
Code: [Select]
$ make # Compile the kernel
$ make modules # Compile the modules
$ make install # Install the kernel (just moves it to /boot and stuff)
$ make modules_install # Install the modules

Hacking and Security / Re: Question about MITM Attack.
« on: April 19, 2015, 02:43:44 PM »
The most common MITM attack is performed via ARP spoofing. Go read up on the ARP protocol and you should instantly realize its security flaws. While you're learning you should refrain from using prewritten tools, instead try writing the exploit yourself in a language like Python. Python has the Scapy library that allows you to forge packets, and can also be used from the CLI (interactive Python interpreter).

Why you attack me immediately, I have dedication to learn book, course it doesnt metter.Can anyone refer me to some blogs to research or some older books.I am sorry if I say something wrong.

Please dont get me wrong, I would like to contribute to Malware Research, would like to reveal from some [server](bin) zombie computer, who and where is owner, I always follow people like Krebson, and others...

Thanks in advance
With that mindset, you won't even make it off the runway.

Mobile Hacking / Re: Installing Kali Linux On Android Need Help!!
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:46:47 PM »
... winblows ...
Watch the language. There are children in this community!

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Fake Identity Document Fiverr
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:38:05 PM »
Anyone could do this in 3 minutes.

General discussion / Re: Favourite manga series
« on: April 03, 2015, 03:09:05 AM »
The most recent manga I read was Imawa no Kuni no Arisu (still being released/scanned). Second last was Deadman Wonderland, which was significantly better than the half-assed anime adaptation.

General discussion / Re: Which linux distro is better for beginners?
« on: March 19, 2015, 04:48:58 PM »
Why doesn't anyone ever mention Gentoo?

Beginner's Corner / Re: Where to Start ?
« on: February 24, 2015, 11:51:49 AM »
Now the question is: where do you want to go with software hacking? Web applications, desktop applications, web application exploitation, local exploitation, etc.

Then you'll need to learn a language based on your choice. Python is a pretty good all-around language, but for local exploitation I recommend you learn something low level like C and an ASM. For web applications you have almost any language (CGI), but PHP and ASP are popular. I believe Ruby and Perl are also big in the web development industry. Mobile hacking would be Java and Objective-C.

If you choose web application hacking, I highly recommend you complete this course:

Beginner's Corner / Re: Where to Start ?
« on: February 23, 2015, 01:55:24 AM »
Choose a path young one. Then follow the bright green line to the mystical lands called "Google."

What do you want to do? Hardware hacking, software hacking, life hacking?

Java / Re: Java Character counter from txtfile
« on: June 20, 2014, 12:51:01 PM »
Code: (Java) [Select]
import java.util.Scanner;

public class txtCharacter {

public static Scanner kb = new Scanner(;

public static void main(String args[])throws IOException{

  .   Scanner in = new Scanner(new FileReader("file locatio"));
      char Character;

      System.out.println("Enter character to count");
      Character = kb.nextLineCharAt(0);

    String line = in.readLine();
    int count;
     if(Character != ' '){
System.out.println("The number of occurrence: "+ count);
Try that. I haven't tested it though.

Operating System / Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« on: June 19, 2014, 10:47:36 PM »
I am posting this on my windows 8.1 machine now. I've used windows my entire life, and I like it. It is the most widely used operating system used in the world today, and for good reason. It's (fairly) stable, virtually every software every written has been written exclusively for windows or has a windows port. My windows 8 machine has 3 screens, and a Nvidia card, which I mostly use to play games or watch movies. Now, right in front of my screen, is my laptop, which has Mint installed. It can do several things my windows machine can't do. My windows machine can't do several things my debian machine can't do. My point is that I enjoy and respect windows, but its not the best for everything. Anything that requires an ide or network analysis, I have my laptop set up for that. Both are good systems, in my opinion I like linux better just because it lets you make all the decisions and its free, but windows has the software library to back it up.

TL;DR: I like and respect windows. I like and respect linux too. But more so than windows.
Thank you for posting this. +1

You just gave me a plethora of reasons why not to use Windows. And if you kill the right java process on Windows you can kill your whole install. Fuck Windows.
Java controls the techno world.

Operating System / Re: Windows 8.1 as a OS
« on: June 18, 2014, 12:37:14 PM »
Hey Nrael,

Nobody would install Windows? So nobody is going to play ANY local install games? Please don't come with Wine or other Windows emulation software because 80% of the games won't run on it.
The only part here that I agree with is that most software is written & compiled for Windows. Linux isn't suitable for a gaming PC. Ubuntu desktop is better in so many more ways than Windows. And Windows server seems very pathetic.

Android / Re: Root your device without computer - Framaroot
« on: June 18, 2014, 12:07:28 AM »
I never noticed..though i was always connected to wi-fi whenever i rooted any device.even if it does, it doesn't matter..because the device gets rooted in an instant! Select the exploit and bang! Just 1 second..! So I don't think it needs internet connection :)

Sorry i don't understand what you are saying..
It only needs an "internet connection" when it takes 5 seconds or longer.

General discussion / Re: Pathway as a programmer
« on: June 18, 2014, 12:01:15 AM »
same me bro ... i have that problem too ... and its hard to stay motivated when its you alone ... i have being studying and practicing C ...  and its kinda hard to keep the interest ... but i ask myself what i  want or o achieve in learning a programming language etc... i ask myself these question and so far its ok!!! i feel more relief and comfortable ...
Not trying to be mean, but those ellipses are killing me.

Pages: [1] 2 3

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