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Messages - nullfly

Pages: [1]
Tutorials / Re: Writing Shellcode for 32-bit Linux from the Ground Up
« on: March 06, 2014, 11:37:39 AM »
This is just the sort of tutorials I've been looking for as of late. Thanks for posting it!

I've got to say, I quite like the general idea of how you lay out your /home!

Well..... what do you want to use it for?

It's going to be my primary os, which for me means that it will primarily be used for the following:

  • Day-to-day crap that you could do just as well on any system, such as web browsing
  • running a number of different VMs
  • programming
  • learning some different areas of hacking (especially in the reverse engineering/exploit discovery departments)

General discussion / Re: Why good hackers make good citizens
« on: March 01, 2014, 04:26:39 PM »
I have to agree with DeepCopy on the whole hacktivist thing. Don't get me wrong, I think there is plenty wrong with the current governments out there, but "hacktivism" certainly doesn't seem to be solving any of these problems.

Anyway, I think the video is a good find and an overall description of what hacking is. If only more people could have this mindset when they hear the term "hacker".

I like to crack a beer and reformat my drive, make space for a better OS.

I take it you're not a big Linux guy?

I have spent the last several months hopping between all kinds of different Linux distros and have tried damn near every distro I can possibly think of. From this I have decided that my favorite is the one I was running from the get go... Arch Linux.

So anyway, I'm planning on putting it back on my system tonight and was wondering what sort of things you like to do your arch system (WMs, shells, tweaks, etc.)? Basically just seeing if I get any ideas of something new I might want to try out  ;)

Pages: [1]

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