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Messages - Aslai

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Exactly What are those?
« on: February 23, 2014, 08:51:12 PM »
What is Botnet? What is Booters?  How it works? What language you need to learn to make something like it? Examples of it.

I know it's kind of DDos or Dos.

Why not "Google"? . Because I need something complete information about those things. So I can enter to those things knowing the things I'am about to enter. ( sorry for my english. idk how to english it. Sorry)

I'am not the person like " Oh cool, maybe i should google some botnets or booters then DDoS something like that yea cool. Now I look like a 6 year-old boy visiting some porn sites."

Pages: [1]

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