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Messages - shimomura

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Game from your childhood
« on: November 16, 2015, 06:47:26 PM »
Duck Hunt
Marble Madness
Mario Bros 3

Web Oriented Coding / Reader View In Mozilla
« on: June 05, 2015, 02:29:38 AM »
Sorry for my hiatus. Quick question. What makes one's page compatible with Mozilla's "Reader View"?

Creative Arts / Re: The Music Thread
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:14:32 AM »

Hacking and Security / Re: DEF CON 23
« on: March 10, 2015, 01:14:13 AM »
I want to go really bad. Hopefully I can come up with the cash. Being that it's so popular now, I'm guessing there is a large portion of people who go and know nothing about hacking but just got excited after they played the game Watchdogs or whatever. Is that true or is the community just generally awesome there?

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: New Hacking Game
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:00:55 AM »
much power very information
- puddi, stop acting like you would even know how to play this game if you wanted to. lol

For real though, I've been waiting for an online player Vs. player hacking game so hopefully this will live up to my expectations. I don't like the idea of currency, earned by in game play time or otherwise, giving you an advantage over a player with higher skills who lacks the components you purchased. It should be an even playing field with an option to play in a ranked forum which would place you in a game with players that match your skill level according to your record and past performances. The objectives should also reflect the users skill level therefore cultivating a fertile environment for knowledge acquisition.

Tutorials / Re: Let's write a Buffer Overflow
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:00:36 AM »
This is well written and contains quality content but my favorite aspect about this tut that separates it from most tutorials on Buffer Overflows is that it refers you to pre-requisite material that one should learn and know before jumping into this subject. So many others over look this. ALWAYS LINK YOUR TUTORIALS TO MATERIAL THAT A NOOBS SHOULD READ SO THAT THEY THOROUGHLY UNDERSTAND IT! Loved this tutorial. +1

Scripting Languages / Re: IMDB Movie Scraper
« on: February 28, 2015, 06:17:27 PM »
Updates: - Short description for each title.
                - Refined Torrent URL search.

Still needs if anyone wants to add on:
                - Text Formatting Within Terminal. (different colors, bold text, ect)
                - Critic or User Rating For Each Title (should be an easy one)
                - Replace ascii characters that are returned in titles.

Code: [Select]
import urllib
import re

#Rejected Strings To Exclude In The Found Titles (Review 7,8,11,12,13,14,15,16,19,20,21)
reject = ["Register or login to rate this title","Go to IMDbPro","PG_13","R","Delete","PG","image of title","Subscribe","image of ","G","TV_PG","image of character","image of name","TV_14","NOT_RATED","TV_MA"]

genre_dic = {1:"Action",2:"Adventure",3:"Animation",4:"Biography",5:"Comedy",6:"Crime",7:"Documentary",8:"Drama",9:"Family",10:"Fantasy",11:"Film-Noir",12:"History",13:"Horror",14:"Music",15:"Musical",16:"Mystery",17:"Romance",18:"Sci-Fi",19:"Sport",20:"Thriller",21:"War",22:"Western"}

#Scrapes Page For Movie Titles and Prints Them
#To Do: Replace Ascii Characters With Human Readable Text!
def find_list(url):
    movie_count = 1
    dis_count = 0
    title_list = []
    opened_url = urllib.urlopen(url)
    url_read =

    descrip = '<span class="outline">(.+?)<'
    descrip_comp = re.compile(descrip)
    descrip_found = re.findall(descrip_comp,url_read)

    titles_reg = 'title="(.+?)"'
    titles_comp = re.compile(titles_reg)
    titles_found = re.findall(titles_comp,url_read)

    print "The Top 25 Titles Found In "+genre_dic[user_choice]+" Are:"
    for titles in titles_found:
        if titles not in reject:
            if titles not in title_list:
                if titles[:4] != "User":
                    regex = '(.+?) \('
                    regex = re.compile(regex)
                    regex = re.findall(regex, titles)
                    print "Movie Number "+str(movie_count)+":"
                    print "Title: "+titles
                    print "Description: "+descrip_found[dis_count]
                    print "Torrent URL:"+regex[0]+"%20category:movies%20lang_id:2/"
                    print "--------------------------------------"
                    dis_count += 1
                    movie_count += 1

#Intro & Help
print 'Welcome to the IMDB movie finder; A faster way to find movies.'
print 'Please select a number to view the corresponding genre'
print 'Action: 1\nAdventure: 2\nAnimation: 3\nBiography: 4\nComedy: 5\nCrime: 6\nDocumentary: 7\nDrama: 8\nFamily: 9\nFantasy: 10\nFilm-Noir: 11\nHistory: 12\nHorror: 13\nMusic: 14\nMusical: 15\nMystery: 16\nRomance: 17\nSci-Fi: 18\nSport: 19\nThriller: 20\nWar: 21\nWestern: 22\n'

#User Selects Genre
def genre_sel():
    global user_choice
    user_choice = raw_input("Enter number here or type 'exit': ")
    if user_choice != 'exit':
        user_choice = int(user_choice)

#Processes User Selection
def program_loop():
    if user_choice <= len(genre_dic):
        url = ''+genre_dic[user_choice].lower()+'/?ref_=gnr_mn_ac_mp'

        print "Invalid Selection!"


Beginner's Corner / Re: Hello Everyone, Beginer
« on: February 26, 2015, 09:33:41 AM »
Set the adapter settings to bridged fool.

Scripting Languages / Re: IMDB Movie Scraper
« on: February 26, 2015, 04:16:02 AM »
Yeah I also caught that but yeah worked fine. I'll have to look into text formatting modules so I can make the output look nicer because I like the idea of just keeping it a command line interface and keeping it as efficient as possible.

Scripting Languages / Re: IMDB Movie Scraper
« on: February 26, 2015, 03:47:55 AM »
Good call guys definitely awesome ideas. I'm thinking I should extend the scrape to look through several pages for each genre as well, why stop at 25 right? Also short descriptions would be helpful. lol I just hate looking through the other sites for titles because most of them are convoluted with shitty ads or the worst part is they have horrible resource management, display one title per page and its just generally a fucking waste of our time to find one decent title.   

Beginner's Corner / Re: Hello Everyone, Beginer
« on: February 26, 2015, 02:45:59 AM »
They should be on the same network by default fool. Start by running ifconfig on kali and then ping that ip from the windows machine.

General discussion / Re: New truck
« on: February 26, 2015, 02:40:38 AM »
Must have a small peeper. I'm sure you'll put the bed to good use with all your groceries and bottles of hair product. 

Scripting Languages / IMDB Movie Scraper
« on: February 26, 2015, 02:31:26 AM »
I'm always looking for new movies to watch so I wrote a elementary command line script that scrapes IMDB for the current top 25 movies in any genre. It's faster then looking through the site itself. If people like the idea and would use it, I'll probably convert it into a web app that has more functionality. I attached the script if you wanna try it even though most of you are obviously capable of writing a way better one yourselves.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Penetration Testing
« on: February 20, 2015, 08:38:37 AM »
No easy answer.

Learn how to identify some of these vulnerabilities:

Research them, and learn how manually exploit them. Check out the ebook section for some good material on things like XSS. Even better learn the languages well and reverse engineering and exploiting apps and networks will come easily.

General discussion / Re: Should people use Adblock?
« on: February 19, 2015, 05:58:13 AM »
There use to and rarely but sometimes still is some artistic integrity within ads. Selling products is obviously essential to our economy and small and local businesses advertisements don't bother me. Like those above me have stated, it's the abuse by fuck tards who created spammy and shity ads to further expand there local business destroying, monopoly-esque corporations that have led us to implement ad blocks. As with many things in society, the fair play of a few is eclipsed by the abuse of most. As a web designer, fuck it, I'll generate revenue on the quality of my work, not the click bait convoluting the aesthetics of the page.         

Pages: [1] 2 3 4

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