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Messages - Hitsugaya

Pages: [1]
Mobile Hacking / Re: voice changer
« on: February 28, 2014, 06:33:13 PM »
to the guy who said that i didnt read rules,i did mate.
please stop posting posts irelevant to my thread.
to the vip guy,u didnt hurt my feelings :) it's just i dont like people who are arrogant with newbies,and u sounded like one.ur second post proved that ure not arrogant person.thanks for the site u provided,it sure does sound like voice from the anonymus video,and i believe they used that method for masking their voice,the only question i want to ask is,is there any other way to trace me back to my computer (dont calculate ip trace,that's easy to solve.)

Mobile Hacking / Re: voice changer
« on: February 28, 2014, 01:01:41 PM »
lol.. seriously (again). That was just a sample and I thought it was obvious that they used a text to speech program for their videos

i dont like ur behavior.not everyone is born with keyboard in their hands and with all knowledge in this world.i asked a simple question (for you maybe) im new in hacking world,and if u have no patience for newbies aka me,then please don't reply anymore to this thread.thank you.i don't  have nerves for inpatient people.

and btw,i c/p-ed part of their user aggreement or wahtever it was,and they stated that they wil cooperate with authorities ,and that rised a question for me that they can log ip on that site or something similiar so they can provide ip of  whoever used that site for ilegal purposes.and i asked if that's possible.i know that u'll be tempted to reply to this thread agin with another useless post,but strand urself.

Mobile Hacking / Re: voice changer
« on: February 27, 2014, 08:17:09 PM »
"Input text is logged.   It is treated as private customer data and is handled according to AT&T's Privacy Policy.   Note that AT&T will cooperate fully with law enforcement."

does that mean that they logged ip or something that can trace me back to my computer?
or i have to use this site with VPN activated?

Mobile Hacking / Re: voice changer
« on: February 26, 2014, 09:04:19 PM »
hmm let's take for example hacking group "anonymus" how no one managed to unfilter their voice that they have filtered in their videos.? i love how they filtered their voice ,it sounds awesome.regardless of that does someone knows how did they filtered their voice and with what method in the first place?

Mobile Hacking / voice changer
« on: February 23, 2014, 10:12:51 PM »
if i use voice changer app on android,is it possible to unfilter my voice after being filtered by an app?

thanks in advance.

Mobile Hacking / Re: rooting prestigio pap 4044 duo
« on: February 21, 2014, 02:20:33 PM »
how can i do that? :(

Mobile Hacking / Re: rooting prestigio pap 4044 duo
« on: February 21, 2014, 02:03:16 PM »
u sir...made my day,i banged my head like retard for almost a month now.i just rooted my phone thanks to you.
BIG THANK my friend,if there is any like,+1 or any kind of reputation to give you please let me know.


Mobile Hacking / rooting prestigio pap 4044 duo
« on: February 21, 2014, 01:22:26 PM »
i can't find how to root this device,any help with it?

Pages: [1]

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