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Operating System / Re: Kali VPN
« on: February 20, 2014, 11:17:25 PM »
Alright I'll try that out. I was thinking that maybe the reason is that Kali doesn't allow VPNs or that you can't use a VPNs on Kali if you're using VirtualBox.

Operating System / Re: Kali VPN
« on: February 20, 2014, 04:45:32 PM »
I only tried PPTP because it wasn't connecting with OpenVPN. Literally, the problem is it doesn't work. I followed this tutorial after doing this one. (Just with the first commands to run from terminal, but nothing else after that.) Everything is configured exactly how the setup from EarthVPN's website tells me to. ( Normally, I just click on the signal bar and then my network. Then I type my password.

Operating System / Kali VPN
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:53:49 AM »
I purchased Earth VPN and tried it worked fine on my OS X, but when I tried to use it on Kali, I ran into a problem. I installed all of the files necessary for adding VPNs and then added a few from Earth VPN and from I'm positive the VPNs are configured correctly, but when I click on the VPN to connect, nothing happens. I'm not connected to it, and this happens to all of the VPNs - Earth VPN and justfreevpn. In addition, there is no error message or any kind of message at all!. My IP has not changed and the disconnect from VPN option is still greyed out. I've tried this with both OpenVPN and PPTP. To refresh, the VPN is set up correctly and all of the necessary files are there. The problem cannot be the VPN, so please do not say I need to check my gateway or to ensure that some box is checked.

- Lactem

Operating System / Re: Kali Install Bug
« on: February 16, 2014, 01:15:09 AM »

While it works well for some, those above links show you how it doesn't for many others. The bug was dismissed as not being a bug, but it is. I have plenty enough memory to install and I've allocated enough of that memory to / and to swap. I believe you're correct that the download is corrupted, but by that I mean a bug. I downloaded it from

Operating System / Kali Install Bug
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:52:33 PM »
There's a problem with installing Kali that the Kali team won't admit to. Once you reach the installation step, you get an error. The Kali guys claim it's because the person didn't give enough memory, but that's obviously not the case,  considering I have 2 TB. I let it do guided partitioning and then tried doing it manually with no success. (Yes, I did the manual partitioning correctly.) There are some threads on how to fix this, but they either don't work or include downloading the mini OS and installing with tools I will need and am not sure how to install post-OS-setup. I've also already spent hours downloading the ISO and then burning it to my CD, so I'd rather just install what I already have. Thanks for reading!

Java / Re: Java quiz series
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:42:48 PM »
 :) Yeah that's why I made sure to say IF you try to call the Man object.

Java / Re: Java quiz series
« on: February 15, 2014, 07:09:25 PM »
Name: Bill
Number: 555-555-5555
Age: 30
Male: true

If you were to attempt to read the Man object using your PersonOutLog class, then the above would be printed.

Pages: [1]

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