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Messages - Enyeto

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Hacking and Security / Re: Needing Basic Botnet Function Knowledge
« on: February 17, 2014, 10:16:32 PM »
Couldn't resist:

Also, if you know python, there's an ebook in the ebook section, that has a few chapters on how to write a botnet. And there are similar books for different languages too...
I actually LOL'd this. But I can't be mad because you just helped me. TY

In all actuality everyone is a Noob in some way or form. Not one person knows everything about the Underground and Tech related stuff. You can master something and consider yourself Leet in that area.

Hacking and Security / Re: Needing Basic Botnet Function Knowledge
« on: February 17, 2014, 10:07:11 PM »
We are not here to hold your hand while you pee pee. Do research yourself, show us some effort towards your goals, ask questions when you are stuck and you will receive help from us.
Okay actually My question can be looked at from a broader sense. Since I'm sure someone could've pointed me into the right direction so I could start researching for myself. And like many things used for illegal purposes a botnet how to guide isn't going to be found with an easy Google search since I have tried that already. lol

Android / Re: Nexus S Problem
« on: February 14, 2014, 10:06:33 PM »
Might be a faulty OS. Did you make sure the rom supports your model? could be a lot of things... did you try searching for a solution on xda-developers?
Yea I ran the Toolkit everyone recommended. I tried XDA and other forums but no one really gave a response and the ones that did had no clue. The main problem is the Bootloader not unlocking. Without an unlock I cant flash it to the factory version.

Android / Nexus S Problem
« on: February 14, 2014, 08:39:42 PM »
Okay so after a lot of research on the web and even after contacting samsung and posting on Android related forums I have come up empty handed. I have a Samsung Nexus S 4G and It randomly started to not load anymore on start up. So I came up with the conclusion it was soft bricked because It won't get passed the Google load screen. Now I took advice and Tried to flash it, but it wont unlock. When I attempt to unlock it the unlock screen freezes after I select Unlock. I have tried various unlock tools but still nothing. If anyone has an Idea or solution please tell me.

General discussion / Re: Feeling out of place
« on: February 14, 2014, 02:17:26 AM »
Think of it this way. Your an incredibly gifted individual capable of doing extraordinary things. So when others who are either trying to be good at athletics or academia don't do as well as you they get frustrated. Especially when you're able to excel in multiple things, where as they feel that they are falling short in there one area of interest.
We had one kid like you at my high school who was incredibly gifted, but unlike some other individuals who posses his skill set he was respectful and humble. I always looked up to the kid as a person to strive to be like, but sometimes would catch myself being jealous of him and the life that he lived.
But this was only evidence of my own short comings. No matter how anybody ever felt about the kid he was still an outstanding athlete, scholar, and a great person in general.
And also who needs to feel in place. Just enjoy life and be happy, because as my grandma always says. Be happy because life is to short.

Thank you. and I am humble and the reason i feel out of place is because many of my so called friends ended up turning their backs when college started and I was angry for awhile since most of them only graduated because of my efforts to help them with anything academic. So i felt entirely used by people i trusted.

General discussion / Re: Feeling out of place
« on: February 13, 2014, 09:56:29 PM »
Because everyone thinks he/she is good at judging people and pigeonholing someone makes life very easy, doesn't it? People hate uncertainty and a man being an athlet and a brainiac is something unexpected. A woman being good in computer science is unexpected as well for most people. We make their lifes hard, because they suddenly feel inable to pigeonhole us and of course it is our fault, why aren't we just what we seem to be?
Ok, that was probably exaggerated. Little surprises make people interesting as well, but in your case it is also success that people envy. Being humble helps a bit.
True but Humble is what I strive for. and I have never made anyone think i even boasted. I keep things to myself and let people have their moments. but after the fact when people find out I could do something better than them they get mad. like cmon i let you have your moment and didn't say a a word, but If i did they would be mad still. Thats another thing people don't know what they want.

General discussion / Re: Feeling out of place
« on: February 13, 2014, 08:34:31 PM »
Hey cool!

How much do you squat/dead/bench? :D
I had a feeling someone was gonna ask that. LOL As of my last max day which was on the 6th of this month. I am at 490 lb bench which is a PR for me. 565 lb Squat, 620 lb Dead lift, 385 lb Power clean, and 370 lb Clean and Jerk. I am aiming for 500 Bench next Max day which will be in 2 months. and for the Metric system users 222.26 kg Bench, 256.28 kg Squat, 281.227 kg dead lift, 174.633 kg power clean, and 167.829 clean and jerk. I have a workout fetish ROFL.   

Whose life is typical anyways? Ask the guys and gals here. I believe almost none of them will say that they have a typical life. Don't worry about it too much.
I wondered about such things too. But at some point you will realize that it doesn't help with anything. You are who you are.

By the way: You can do what you want. There will always be people who think you should be different than you are.
thats is true for everyone isn't it. I wonder why people judge so much sometimes. Hypocrisy is so complex it needs to have a course made for it.

Hacking and Security / Re: Needing Basic Botnet Function Knowledge
« on: February 13, 2014, 07:48:37 PM »
The best language to code it in is the one you are best at.
And if you don't know a programming language yet, you should first start learning one, before you want to write a botnet...

And if you already know a programming language, you possibly should ask a more specific question, so we know what you exactly want to know. Right now one could write a whole book about your question (also look in the ebook section, afaik there are one or two books about botnets...).
I didn't really make is specific eh. Yea I really meant with coding knowledge what are the steps to take to creating one. like a guide of some sort. and I will check that out

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / SWTOR
« on: February 13, 2014, 06:18:13 PM »
Has anyone actually made a bot that helps with crafting missions? or anything that could make the game a bit easier? Bioware seems to be on the ball when it comes to exploits and bots.

General discussion / Feeling out of place
« on: February 13, 2014, 06:15:12 PM »
On a daily basis I seem to ponder on the fact that my life isn't Typical. I have 1 foot in the so called Brainiac world and another in the athletic world. Throughout High school I played Football, and also did Wrestling and Weightlifting. So many people saw me as a gifted jock. Having placed 3rd 2 times for Wrestling in the heavyweight class, one of the captains of the Football team during our 2 back to back state title years, plus 2 time defensive MVP and All American. and placing 2nd 3 times in states for weightlifting makes it possible for them to think that. But the other half I spoke of is a guy who was top 1% in a graduating class of 820 students. Scoring 2150 on the SAT's and 35 on the ACT's while graduating with a 4.4 GPA and having 43 scholarships to choose from. You may say wow like many people , but I hate feeling out of place. I'm a Dominican born guy and when people find this out they seem to hate me even more. I guess they think that  as a minority in the U.S. that I have to be Ignorant or uneducated. I am not in anyway a depressed person but sometimes I ask myself what It would be like to be average. Now I ask do you agree that I am out of place?

Hacking and Security / Needing Basic Botnet Function Knowledge
« on: February 13, 2014, 05:57:29 PM »
I have knowledge in many forms of Dos and DDOS, but I have never taken the chance to ask about how to create the various programs and scripts for Booters and Botnets. I rather learn the steps and tools needed to create a botnet. I have seen many forms of a botnet also and want to also know which one would also be best. Plus best language to code them in.

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