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Messages - Feathers

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Hacking and Security / Re: Unban from a physical network
« on: February 10, 2014, 09:13:57 PM »
As a matter of fact I downloaded this app for an unrelated thing a few days ago so I will take a look at it. Any clues on what I should be looking for? (really quick pointers, I understand that it's not your role to explain everything in detail)

I'll post more information when I will have it.

Also, when I say the connection is limited, I mean that windows says so: "connection limited". When I open a command prompt and ping any website, I have no reply whatsoever.


Hacking and Security / Unban from a physical network
« on: February 10, 2014, 06:07:22 PM »

I am trying to solve a problem I've been on these last weeks. I've been banned from a network for no valid reason (rules say that you cannot use torrent or DMCA violations). I used a VPN from the start so there little probability that people know what kind of data flows my way.

I've only been banned because of what they call "high" traffic (25 gigabytes a month, no comment). In the rules of this place, there is absolutely nothing about high traffic stipulations. I think they are just frustrated to not be able to see what kind of data or websites I'm accessing (a lot of people are downloading 300 gigabytes a month without any problem). Also nothing in the rules about the use of a VPN.

My work tool is an ultrabook with a USD to Ethernet adapter that I use to connect to to the network with, obviously, an ethernet cable. I also use Viscosity for the VPN.

Any connection with the ethernet cable shows a "limited connection", with the impossibility to ping anything.

I noticed I can still connect via WiFi to the SAME network (I only used WiFi on this network sporadically, having no use for it when it came to retrieving larger data). When I try to connect to the VPN with the WiFi, everything stops working so I guess the network interface of the VPN has been banned along with my ethernet interface.

I've tried some usual tricks, changing the MAC adresses and whatnot, unfortunately, the networks are not my strong point.

I am using Windows 8.1. My questions would be:

What kind of ban are they using? (I can provide further information if needed)
What can I do to bypass it?

Many thanks to anyone that will come my way to hep me.

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