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Messages - LinuxSTAIN

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Re: ATT Uverse NVG510 Router Bruteforce
« on: November 27, 2014, 06:48:00 PM »
I stilL havnt figured this one out.. Any ideas??

Hacking and Security / Re: Free training. Does it exist?
« on: February 11, 2014, 06:09:48 PM »
I have about 50 books in full edition PDF format. anything and everything you could possibly buy pertaining to net sec and hacking. I have all of syngress books covering the topics as well as the latest in pen testing, 2013 and 14. As well as icluded dvds and isos. if I have the permissions necessary I will upload them all to this forum for all of us to enjoy.

Hacking and Security / Re: ATT Uverse NVG510 Router Bruteforce
« on: February 05, 2014, 07:57:26 PM »
Please excuse the mishaps on this post.. I copy and pasted this from my post on hackhound and it didnt turn out the way i expected and now my batteries are dying on my wireless mouse so i am not able to edit this right now. I will be home shortly to edit/redo it.. Thanks again for all of your advise!

Hacking and Security / ATT Uverse NVG510 Router Bruteforce
« on: February 05, 2014, 07:50:42 PM »
Hello EZ!!

Currently ATT uses the Motorola NVG510 modem/router for their dsl in residential setups. I have retrieved one of these for test purposes.. Now I know about earlz exploit on rooting the box but this requires physical access. On the side of the box itself is a "Device Access Code", like so:

Heres The source for the login page... I am assuming that this is a type of HTTP Digest Authentication..  Notice the "nonce"? and it changes on every 401 response..

Attached is the Source HTML because I could not get it to work right on here with {code}

Now, having dealt with a lot of these I can tell you that the codes are all 10 digit integers, by default.
I want to figure out how to run a bruteforce attack against this http-form-input using a pw list of all the possible combinations of 0-9. I am just not sure how to use this input format into hydra seeing that there is no input for a username. I have tried everything that i know how.. Thanks for the help!

Here is the python script that will tell you all the combinations of a 10 digit integer to use for these kind pw list generating.

Code: [Select]
import itertools 
file = open('out.txt', 'w')
variations = itertools.product('0123456789', repeat=10) 
for variations in variations: 
    variation_string = "" 
    for letter in variations: 
        variation_string += letter 

Pages: [1]

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