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Messages - pivot3r

Pages: [1]
Thanks pivot3r, I hope you enjoy using it.
I have in fact already removed the bad characters from all payloads created by msfvenom, take a look at line 75 to see it.

Ahh yep, there it is.  Somehow I missed that last night.  :p
In terms of the fuzzing, It takes no time at all, just as long as it takes for pattern_create.rb to create the pattern of whatever size you specified. It is more like a fuzzing sniper, you tell it at which point (sequence of commands) to send the buffer, and it sends it. It's very quick.
Okay, so you'd have already found the initial crash, and this would be to find the offset?

First off, this is really cool.  I'm saving it.  If I had one suggestion that hit me while reading it was to add an option for bad characters...

I think in msfvenom is -b.  Sometimes the shellcode will break when some characters are used.  I will sometimes add x\00 and x\ff

As far as the fuzzing goes, how is the speed compared to something like spike?  I've never used python for something like that before, but I know in the past I've read about how it can be a bit slow. 

Really good work!

I'm relatively new to the area of computer science, I've only really been programming for about 8 months, and I was doing web design before that. So right now, I still consider myself new comer(noob). For now I want to be able to continue to progress as a programmer, and learn more about how an operating system functions, and how to take control of it.

I feel that it is hard to fully describe what I want to do with my OS because of my lack of knowledge when it comes to computer's, but I'm trying to learn more everyday. And since my end goal is to be a good programmer(hacker) like the majority of people on this site our, I thought I'd ask.

I suppose I could have better framed my question to what operating systems do you guys use?
Thanks for all the help.

OP, I'd go with either Debian as a base OS and then Winders other *nix in a VM for testing/fun, or Windows with some *nix in a VM.  I really have a sweet spot for Debian, so I'd install that either on base or VM.   And skipping Ubuntu would be fine in my opinion.  It's kinda become a hot mess. 

I just installed Debian 7 on a desktop at work and it's very nice.  Burn some live discs or USBs and see what works best for your needs after an hour or two.

Hacking and Security / Re: How Worms Spread
« on: February 10, 2014, 05:29:24 AM »
From my understanding, self propagating worms generally work in the following way:

Let's assume an exploitable vulnerability is found in MegaFTP.  This allows for code execution on the box with MegaFTP installed.  Instance 1 of MegaFTP is compromised.  It will call back and download a copy of the worm.  The worm will then scan other devices looking for MegaFTP.  Probably with a port scan or the data in a TCP/UDP reply. something like
Code: [Select]
---Welcome to MegaFTP version 1.0.4---
From there the cycle continues.  Now, this is all my understanding, which could be completely wrong, I'm definitely not a malware expert.

I remember a talk from last September I saw where the speaker showed off a few "Mobile Phone Charging Stations" that would pwn a device when plugged in.  I'm sure an exploit like this could be leveraged into one of those systems for some more interesting results as well. 

And while I don't see this is a huge threat for most people (most people I know are usually the only person logging into the system), but I was thinking a place like a library or computer lab in a school might be a viable place for this kind of exploit.  If I would have gotten into security during high school, I would probably have gotten in a lot more trouble. 

Hacking and Security / Re: 2014 Phishing (new Methods?)
« on: February 06, 2014, 01:59:11 AM »
OP, I haven't really noticed any new methods in phishing myself.   The old ways seem to still work fine.

I actually saw on tv this morning that a phishing attempt went out to get people to download malware by ripping off a funeral home site.  I think it's safe to say that as long as the tried and true methods work, we will still see them. 

Hacking and Security / Re: Encryption software
« on: February 02, 2014, 05:56:25 PM »
In regards to TrueCrypt, it looks like there's been some work towards an audit of the code.

Hacking and Security / Re: Encryption software
« on: February 02, 2014, 06:28:18 AM »
I think you could use gpg for this. 
Code: [Select]
gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo TWOFISH
Code: [Select]
shred -u
Code: [Select]
gpg -d

I don't know if that'll work in your situation.  I am not sure about the keyfiles in regards to file encryption, but I would assume the feature is in there somewhere - gpg is used for public/private keys with emails.    Might be something worth thinking about. 

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