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Messages - union_select_h4ck

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Hacking and Security / Re: mysql >4.1 password hash
« on: February 02, 2014, 01:28:06 AM »
Thank you for the reply ande and will take what you said and imply it towards future posts. I just put it in there, because everyones 1st response is always "well did you research". So thought I'd cut that corner and let people know I did up front. I will get the tables in the link you have provided. Thanks again ande for the much needed information. That should be all I need :)

Thank You guys. Am still working on it. Now I know which method to stick with. Hopefully can get this

I will try the rainbow tables. It might work. I think they do salt mysql5, because on hashcat was reading 0/1 recovered and 0/1 salts. Don't know tho. 1st time working with a mysql5 password. usually sha1 or some shit like that. Thank you for the suggestion. Will post the outcome.

Thank you for your replies. I will post the hash. I got hashcat and after 14hrs still didn't crack it. *F0E8AA8DDB9BEBBE913B52B8BF8A7CEF375E10FC that is the hash I have. I have the username too as well as email. I know you have to crack it without the * symbol so I put it in the program without it and with no luck.

p.s. I went to onlinehashcrack and they did it, but I don't want to pay $14 for the required bitcoins and I would like to know how to do it myself. I was going to write an intro, but as I went to the new comer section. I read the pls read topic and didn't sound like posting a "hey im new" thread was appropriate. So I went to asking a question. am proficient in sqli (manually) so not really asking to "learn how to hax" just cracking....they go hand in hand I see tho. I have done research and didn't find anything that I can use to do it myself. or tuts on mysql5

Hacking and Security / mysql >4.1 password hash
« on: January 27, 2014, 10:15:12 PM »
I need help with cracking mysql5 passwords. Im good with getting into websites and getting info, but mysql5 encrypted passwords stump me. I posted a thread last night but i guess it got deleted.

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