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Messages - M1lak0

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
Mobile Hacking / Re: Stagefright exploit
« on: November 10, 2015, 02:43:41 PM »
Has anyone had recent success running this exploit or is it now patched?  I see there is a some mention re. a further theoretical Stagefright 2.0 exploit using mp3/mp4 files as payload delivery.  Does anyone play in this space?
Could run the thing, it generates even mp3 but then doesn't get any connect back and hence, exploit not working. May be patched..

General discussion / Re: Best os for someone new to Linux?
« on: October 31, 2015, 05:35:21 AM »
What helped me when choosing was using to read about each different distro and what they have to offer. They also rate them along with posting updates daily.

Yeah! How can we forget Distrowatch? It is an awesome portal/review website for choosing linux. Nice reviews, brief descriptions with screenshots along with Rank and  H.P.D. :) Nice share @Katheudo

General discussion / Re: Best os for someone new to Linux?
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:29:16 AM »
This is the best picture I came across helping newbie choosing linux..!
I was finding a good reason to upload this!!

Hope this helps! :)

Beginner's Corner / Re: Assembly Language Programming
« on: October 24, 2015, 07:53:26 PM »
Thank you all for the reply..! I really appreciate your all efforts to share your resources.
@Paradox will only concentrate on one thing..! I sometimes get really confused when I come across different different syntax and that's what my problem is..

Thank you all.. :)

Beginner's Corner / Assembly Language Programming
« on: October 21, 2015, 09:30:25 PM »
Hello all,
I am into web based exploitation but now I got interest to work with assembly language for malware development, reversing and other related stuff. I started learning basics but I have got a x86_64 64bit architecture but unable to find some really good tutorials to start with. Books are really really boring and doesn't interest me..
I am really confused with the syntax as I am working on basic GNU Assemblers. GAS and Intel etc etc syntax confuses me! I need to stick on one thing which I am unable to get it.
Or if there is any exploitation based assembly learning tutorials or series existing please comment below.
I found one though but this is not working with my system..! Unable to even print "HELLO WORLD". :(
Any kind of suggestion please comment!
Thank you in advance!

Mobile Hacking / Re: Stagefright exploit
« on: September 23, 2015, 12:39:37 PM »
couldn't connect it back with nc -l -p 444

Beginner's Corner / Re: Best Way To Hack HTTP Auth?
« on: September 23, 2015, 08:17:24 AM »
I don't think you made a good effort to search about it. The answer exist in our forum itself. I made a comment with a possible bypass of HTTP basic auth. Have a look:

This is one of the way though not always working but depends on how it is configured.
There is no best way except your brains and no specific method, it very on every web application.


Mobile Hacking / Stagefright exploit
« on: August 06, 2015, 10:04:58 AM »
Do anybody have a Stagefright exploit??
I need to see how does it work. I saw a video by zLabs having a py based exploit. If anybody can share please do it.
Thankx in advance!

Hacking and Security / New Generation Anonymization - HORNET
« on: July 30, 2015, 02:07:04 PM »
A very new generation anonymization theory out by researchers.
It can process high-speed anonymous traffic upto 93 gb/s.
You can check out briefly about it:

and the Official paper:

Found it on the Webs / Re: Brainet
« on: July 11, 2015, 01:02:24 PM »
Dont get it how these brains are wired. But that is very interesting. I imagine wired monkeys brains cracking serious captchas and sht like that.

Hahaha.. That will be an epic scenario.. :D

Mobile Hacking / Re: Is Android patched against DOS attacks?
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:16:41 AM »
I really don't know about Android but I tried on iOS 7.1.2 which literally failed. :P
What I did was, I made an intense scan over my iPhone. It didn't gave me good results but it failed responding and soon when I check my device I was worthless.. :P
No Touch working, Bad Graphics and couldn't even switch it off. Ended up restarting it and then everything was fine after a day! :/

Someone is still serious here. :P
Trying to make this thread a bit worth reading..!

Well I recently found a way to bypass.
Let me show you something:
It shows up the login.

I tried to access the index.php file but I failed:

Sometimes the .htaccess rules goes wrong:

As we can see it is limited to only GET Request so lets send a POST request like this:

And here we are.. :D
I am really not sure that if it'll work for you because this depends on how the .htaccess file is configured.

Good luck for your try :) (Y)

The Framework section is really cool. When I last visited the site it wasn't much developed and wasn't much updated. Now this has made the entire site so rich. :)

Well here is a bit of their business stuff not so informative but what they do.

Tutorials / Re: Understanding PHP Object Injection
« on: February 08, 2015, 06:49:42 AM »
Is it your blog? Nice explanation.. :)

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