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Messages - Kenrim

Pages: [1]
Found it on the Webs / Speed in Software Development
« on: August 25, 2015, 12:21:11 AM »
Hey guys,

Reading this article was quite interesting and I thought I should share it with you.

The founder of Targetprocess, Michael Dubakov, shares his thoughts on how to improve speed, quality and efficiency over the whole development process:

Our team does a few things to achieve this:
  • We go out for an evening of paintball on Fridays with all colleagues who want to join (the company actually pays for it).
  • From time to time we also participate in sport events like marathons as a team (nobody has to join, but everyone is welcome).
  • We also tried to get people on a little free time robotic project, but in the end only a few were interested enough to sacrifice their time off.

I fully agree with Dubakov’s opinion about what a productive policy is for software development, but I am also interested in your thoughts about it. What possible actions could be taken/are you taking to improve productivity as well as conditions at your workspace?


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