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Messages - le0nid4s

Pages: [1]
General discussion / Re: Feeling out of place
« on: February 14, 2014, 12:16:04 AM »
Think of it this way. Your an incredibly gifted individual capable of doing extraordinary things. So when others who are either trying to be good at athletics or academia don't do as well as you they get frustrated. Especially when you're able to excel in multiple things, where as they feel that they are falling short in there one area of interest.
We had one kid like you at my high school who was incredibly gifted, but unlike some other individuals who posses his skill set he was respectful and humble. I always looked up to the kid as a person to strive to be like, but sometimes would catch myself being jealous of him and the life that he lived.
But this was only evidence of my own short comings. No matter how anybody ever felt about the kid he was still an outstanding athlete, scholar, and a great person in general.
And also who needs to feel in place. Just enjoy life and be happy, because as my grandma always says. Be happy because life is to short.

I was finally able to resolve the issue. And have now ridded myself of windows. The advice from proxx articles were very helpful.
Thanks for all the help everyone.

Sorry for not making this clear earlier. I want microsoft off my computer. And I tried the legacy enabled boot disabled thing on the bios screen as well as rearranging to boot order of things so that a cd would take first priority. And I'm still without luck.
It could be that I'm screwing up during the process, but after having done it a couple of times, I don't know where my error would be occurring. 

Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to make Fedora my new Operating system on my Windows 8 HP Pavilion laptop.
Sadly the new Windows 8 has replaced the classic BIOS boot up screen with a new UEFI secure boot, which is supposed to prevent Windows from accidently booting malicious viruses. But this supposedly secure feature is making it a pain for Linux users to install Linux onto a windows 8 laptop.
Having installed Linux in the past, I was planning on the process being as simple as downloading fedora onto my computer, burning it to a disk, restarting my computer, and letting my computer do the work from there.
Instead some 12 hours later, The problem and after disabling the secure boot feature, I am still unable to boot Linux on to my computer.
Have any of you guys experienced this issue, and if so does anyone know how to fix it?

Thanks for all the good advice.
I've decided for now to use Fedora as my primary operating system, and from time to time I'll probably dual boot Debian from a live CD.
Thanks again.

I'm relatively new to the area of computer science, I've only really been programming for about 8 months, and I was doing web design before that. So right now, I still consider myself new comer(noob). For now I want to be able to continue to progress as a programmer, and learn more about how an operating system functions, and how to take control of it.

I feel that it is hard to fully describe what I want to do with my OS because of my lack of knowledge when it comes to computer's, but I'm trying to learn more everyday. And since my end goal is to be a good programmer(hacker) like the majority of people on this site our, I thought I'd ask.

I suppose I could have better framed my question to what operating systems do you guys use?
Thanks for all the help.

First off I would like to state that I am not trying to start an OS war.
I have just gotten a new computer and I am trying to figure out which operating system would best fit the needs that I have.
I have been reading articles all day explaining the pro's and cons of each operating system. And so far I haven't found the information that would help me find the operating system that best serves my needs.
Since it is safe to say that you guys use the computer in a similar way that I do, would anybody be willing to offer up any advice for me?

Scripting Languages / Re: From C++ to Perl
« on: January 29, 2014, 06:25:43 PM »
Thanks for the help! Those books look great.

Scripting Languages / From C++ to Perl
« on: January 29, 2014, 04:01:05 AM »
After becoming decent in c++ c and java(that is not to say that I don't have lots more to learn in those languages) I found out that I will need to learn Perl for school. So in my eagerness I looked at one of the free tutorials that perl had to offer, and jumped right in. It's different to say the least.
I know with logical programming languages such as haskell you have to think about programming differently. Is the same true with perl? Because right now I feel like I'm trying to shove a square(which in this case is my knowledge of object-oriented programming) into a cricle(procedural programming). Is there any good advice that can be offered before I continue on this long exciting journey?

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