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Messages - BadVibes

Pages: [1]
Ok, thanks for answers.
If you search on info about Java Robots you should be able to find info on this. Worsat case scenario, you'd have to just make it hover over text, manually copy it, and paste it into a program that checks the value. If you describe what you want this 'value checking' program to do, I could probably help you.

You can use Java to do this. You'd have to (well not have to, but probably easiest) use Javas robot class (Java.awt.Robot).

You'd have to create a bot
Code: [Select]
Robot robot = new Robot();
Then you'd move to where ever you have your buttons that need pressing
Code: [Select]
The 500, 500 args are x and y. X comes from the left and Y from the top

now to press something, you would
Code: [Select]
BUTTON1_MASK is for a left click
BUTTON2_MASK is for a middle click
BUTTON3_MASK is for a right click

Also, you may want to do something such as
Code: [Select]
before you make it click, or you won't see the mouse move as its instant.

The delay is in milliseconds, so the delay will make you wait for 2 seconds.
That should do everything you ask for.

Pages: [1]

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