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Messages - MadHippie

Pages: [1]
Reverse Engineering / Cinavia
« on: January 13, 2014, 07:48:30 AM »
For those who don't know, Cinavia is a service from a company known as Verance, that makes a profit by infecting Blu-ray discs with steganography, in order to stop "unauthorized" videos from playing on particular systems where Cinavia is installed. For example, I can play videos infected with Cinavia through VLC on PC, but it wouldn't play on a PS3, where Sony has installed the Cinavia crap. Apparently, all Blu-ray disc players from 2012 on now have this crap installed.

- Is there any software or tricks out there that will strip the steganography, or "watermarking"?

*I thought it would be worthwhile to have this discussion, since I haven't seen it elsewhere on the forum.

Java / Re: Am I getting the concept down?
« on: January 12, 2014, 10:26:10 AM »
Only in Smalltalk.

In Nygaard-model OOP languages like Java and C#, which make use of a quasi-procedural syntax, primitive data types are not objects, thus the languages are not purely OO.

This is interesting. I had heard in passing that Java "was not purely OO". Is what you're mentioning called autoboxing? For example, int char byte are not objects. Is this the right concept?

I'm Week 1 into a Java programming class (but I have been reading a head way before class), so I am trying to nail this down.

Pages: [1]

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