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Messages - craterlord

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General discussion / Something similar to a study group, but not quite.
« on: February 20, 2015, 01:00:36 AM »
So I'm eighteen years old and just recently graduated highschool. I didn't graduate on time because I stopped going to school altogether for the last three months of my senior year because of stupid emotional reasons. As a result, I failed all of my classes. Even though I was able to make the majority of them up in summer school, I still had to go to a temporary transfer school for about three months to make up one gym credit. I've finally made that one credit up and now have my diploma, but am left in an akward position because I won't be able to enter a community college until about six months pass, which leaves me with a lot of time on my hands. I want to make the most of it, however I feel like the environment that I am currently in is detrimental to achieving that goal.

To try and remedy this, I've been giving serious thought about starting a local group for those who have an interest in learning about technology living near New York City. But of course, I'm only eighteen, so I am anything but experienced in organizing shit. I haven't ever even been a part of anything similar, so quite frankly i'm not even sure what it is that anyone would expect from it. The 'obvious' solution to that would be to join another group rather than starting my own right off the bat, but I'm not even sure if such a thing exists outside of college campuses. The closest thing I have found to what I am looking for are hackerspaces, but honestly it seems like it is a lot more accurate to call them "makerspaces", and aren't quite what I am looking for.

Which is why I am here pitching my idea to you guys, I guess. Right now, "the dream" seems to be to find some people who want to dedicate themselves to learning about computers, computer security, and anything else that might seem interesting. If money weren't a factor, we would rent out a small space and be able to meet/work from there. More realistically, sit around in a library with laptops. It would be something like a study group. Pick a topic you want to learn more about, see who else wants to learn about it, find related material, read the related material, work on a project related to said material. Or just skip right to the project part. Or go on to another topic, whatever works.

The biggest problem I'm having is I'm not sure where I would find these people. I mean, if you happen to be near NYC, and this is something that may interest you, I'll set up an email account relatively soon dedicated to keeping track of everyone. However, I have my doubts as to whether I will be able to find enough people, if any, on evilzone, and so I am looking for any advice on where I could expand my search. Also, any kind of feedback or suggestions on "the dream" is also appreciated. I am curious to see whether something like this may appeal to people.

"a mystic unix wizard"

> ask wizard about unix

Wizard says "Don't know anything about that"

I bet he doesn't even have a beard, phony.

Scripting Languages / Re: [Autoit] Need help with pixel finding
« on: June 07, 2014, 03:21:44 PM »

The next time you have a problem, you should really consider reading the documentation.

Creative Arts / Re: The Music Thread
« on: June 07, 2014, 05:48:02 AM »
These are songs that I will always come back to

Plini - Selenium Forest   []
Little People - Start Shootin'   []
Funky DL & Nujabes - Don't Even Try It   []
Bonobo - Black Sands   []
The Black Mages - The Extreme   []
Black Violin - Brandenburg   []
Death Note OST - Light's Theme   []
Super Meat Boy OST - Dr Fetus' Castle   []
John Petrucci & Jordan Rudess - Black Ice   []

Hacking and Security / Re: Why I don't hate the NSA
« on: June 07, 2014, 02:24:41 AM »
If the fact that they are collecting data that can wrongly be used to incriminate you doesn't scare you, then the total lack of transparency should. There is no way for us to know how this information is being used, but if the government feels as though they need to hide how this data is used from us, we can safely assume that their actions are at the very least controversial, if not completely wrong. And with any controversial action, we should have had our say, but that seems to be asking for too much these days. Our republic is a mere illusion until we are willing to fight for it, but I can't see that happening anytime soon.

Also, I want to point out that just because you believe you don't have anything to hide, doesn't mean that someone else who can make a huge difference in your life doesn't. Case in point, Martin Luther King Jr, who despite his efforts for peace and equality, was seen as a threat by the FBI. He was believed to be under communist influence, which eventually prompted the FBI to blackmail King by anonymously sending this letter ( along with a tape that had the potential to discredit King.

Now, suppose that this blackmail was made possible with information gathered by the NSA, and as a result of that information, King decided to commit suicide. Suppose that without King's efforts, segregation would still exist. So yes, government surveillance has the potential to affect people who have nothing to hide, and it is your problem.

But this also serves as a good example of how a government without any corrupt officials, that intends only the best for the people it governs, can still ultimately harm them. The FBI could have genuinely believed that the country would have been better off without King, and they would have been acting in good intentions when blackmailing him. But it doesn't matter whether or not you are acting in good intentions, because even then you could be making a bad decision. It's for this reason that it's important for us to know what the government is doing. If we don't, who the hell knows what their idea of "what is best for the country" is. The NSA is no exception.

Of course I acknowledge that it's not realistic for a government to disclose everything it does, but this is not one of those cases.

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