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Messages - youpi

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Hacking and Security / Re: DNS Amplification, please enlighten me
« on: January 25, 2014, 07:47:19 AM »
OK so as no one would wipe my ass I done my little research.

UDP is on top of IP.
And NTP should be on TOP of UDP which is on top of IP.

I'll be using raw sockets to forge raw UDP packets with a spoofed address.
So I'll create a struct with all the UDP shit we need to take care, checksum, tos, the lot of it I captured the packet using tcpdump and wireshark.
I've everything figured out concerning this.

Now I understand than when you send a raw UDP packet you're basically sending a string, which is a pointer to an array of chars. and you can send udp packets like "ABC" whatever.

I also understand and read that NTP is protocol on iot's own so I have to create the packet using a struct and here will be the monlist message which is a request message (set the bit) bla bla. Just hsit I have to respect as it's the RFC but don't give a fuck about.

How do I encapsulate the thing to send it in my spoofed UDP raw socket ?
The only way I see is sending it in place of the *buffer, but yeah it seems a bit weird and I actually don't know how I'll do to convert. (just cast the struct to the expected input ?)

Please enlighten me, smartasses. (lawl)

struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr *)packet;
struct udphdr *udp = (struct udphdr *)((void *) ip + sizeof(struct iphdr));
This is done to encaspulate UDP in IP.
So I just do something similar ?
Still need to look up what's included for the headers and shit.

Wow, so much work, please tell me if I'm in teh right direction.

Hacking and Security / Re: DNS Amplification, please enlighten me
« on: January 19, 2014, 12:15:04 AM »
Thanks for this I will read it up.

Anyone has a PoC script to send spoofed NTP request ?

Hacking and Security / DNS Amplification, please enlighten me
« on: January 17, 2014, 04:56:21 PM »
So I'm pretty sure I've found recursive DNS servers because NMAP and reliable website says so.

That being said, I would like to be able to verify that myself.

i've been using things like dig +notcp -t ANY @rec-server for exemple but I'm getting only 400 bytes response when website says people get 4000 bytes back. (

Please enlighten me.

EDIT: Just read they're using large TXT records.

Anyway, is there a way to see if the server is vuln with dig ?
DNS amplifications aren't useless without a compromised dns servers with a large TXT record aren't they ? When resolving things like for exempl

-- Use the modify button fool!!

I wonder how people do to study the ATMs to craft there attacks ?
Surely they must be working in the branch or something ?

Scripting Languages / Re: [Perl] Project ParanoicScan 1.7
« on: January 05, 2014, 03:48:19 PM »
Didn't try it out as it seems to need some additional perl libraries on MAC but I'll make sure to try it anytime soon.

If it does what it says, awesome tool I must say.

Hacking and Security / Re: Rooting a box
« on: January 05, 2014, 03:17:00 PM »
I'm not getting flamed and I think you're quite right in what you say :)

I already built my own linux kernels on gentoo and at some point I was writing some easy kernel modules, done some unix programming with threads/semaphores/dbus interaction.
Kernighan & Richtie's book is the first on I read in fact.

I came across some good sites in the past few days, mainly, krebsonsecurity and pentesteracademy (I follow the plan of their course but learn from different websites) and I now realise mass exploitation of servers can't be done anymore. Or will at least be different than what I'd have thought.
It used to be a time where you could just google d0rk and easily find targets to root or hundreds of easy SQL injections to upload your shell but those times are over as it seems.

For the moment I'm reading [size=78%][/size] "Python - A cookbook for pentesters, hackers and forensic analysts" which is quite good.
I also know that I'll _for sure_ need to learn assembly but I really can't be arsed at the moment I'll just begin with simpler / high level things such as SQLi injection, Javascript, Python, using Nmap / Metasploit correctly and stuff.

phpStorm / intelliJ idea :P

Great skills by the way.

C - C++ / Re: Back to C after a while. Got an lvalue problem :/
« on: December 31, 2013, 06:19:00 PM »
Try to use () in your pointer+j

*(token_array+j) = calloc (1, strlen (token)+1);

Staff note: try to use the edit button next time.

Hacking and Security / Re: Rooting a box
« on: December 31, 2013, 12:02:22 AM »
Here ye, here ye....

Look guy. Getting an unprivileged shell alone is an extremely rare thing to accomplish these days, let alone getting root. I'm sorry, but I do not think you have even the skills to do simple privilege escalation on your XP vm, or metasploitable WITHOUT using metasploit to do the dirty work for you.

Here are some things to consider: local privilege escalation exploits will in most cases not work (variety of reasons), and their effectiveness relies on how much information you enumerate from the system, and the inherent luck of the stars aligning in the solar system. If you really want to get the upper-hand of rooting boxes, look into things like exploiting cron jobs, changing environment variables, or even better yet...misconfigured services, or readable configuration files with passwords in plaintext.

Another thing, and this isn't just for the OP this goes for everyone...your effectiveness at owning any box is directly related to how much information you gather from it first. Automated "tools" can only help you to a certain degree, and the key to being effective at everything is being able to take the information you get from the tools, and use your brain to figure the rest out.

Thanks for taking the time to answer me.

As for the Darkvision, I just won't answer what you wrote.
I totally agree with you guys that most people just use exploits / metasploit / nmap and don't have any knowledge. That's not my case. I always try and want to understand what I'm doing, at the very least. And code it myself if I'm able to.

I really don't know why you guys took my head off after my first post. I know get the idea of what the forum is like and I must say I appreciate what you guys are telling in the previous posts.
You just seem to judge me a little fast.

Hacking and Security / Re: Rooting a box
« on: December 30, 2013, 11:36:12 PM »
I don't want to prove anything really please stop being rude/angry/raging/whatever.

I also don't want anyone to spoonfeed me like you say rather team work.
I came on this forum to get knowledge from others but also share mine. I thought that's how a forum works.

Hacking and Security / Re: Rooting a box
« on: December 30, 2013, 11:32:22 PM »
Sorry guys if I seemed to say like I'm the boss of the forums that nowhere near what I meant.

I was just pointing out my skills, because few years ago when I had'nt those skills and tried to get help on some blackhat forums people told me to learn C and unix.
In fact I just graduated in France as sys admin (which, I know, is way below the level of a pen tester). That's why I pointed those skills out.

I don't know how you can tell wether or not I have the said skills just by reading or writing my post.

So just forget the part where I tell about my skills and let's get on the other part: how to find vulnerable targets to achieve my goal ?

Hacking and Security / Rooting a box
« on: December 30, 2013, 11:10:03 PM »
Hi everyone.

First of all, even though I am a new member on here, I would like to point out that I'm not a noob.

I know a lot about using linux, scanning systems with nmap, finding exploits, use SSH, set up and use VPNs, deal with disk encryption and all sort of shit.
I also used metasploit and meterpreter in the past on the Windows XP VM they give.

To the point, my "fetish" always has been to somehow compromise a linux box and get shell (root) access to it.

I would like to know if some people here are able to root say a few boxes a week, and if so, how do they go to find them.
Do you start from an SQLi ? And upload a shell ? I've been trying to find vulnerables websites with --os-shell and --sql-shell using sqlmap for 2 hours now with no luck.
Are there automated tools to find ?

By the way, if there's any hacking team / IRC Channel that would be kind enough to take me into, it would be great.
I have access to cheap host servers and big knowledge in Linux and C.


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