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Messages - WinteraLynx

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It sounds like you're trying to develop OCD

,,And you're not going to get anything out of exercise in that way, lol.
Well something is better than nothing right? lol It might not be a full workout routine but at least it gets something done ^_^   

@Tsar    Motivation is the key to working out, it doesn't matter what the motivation is as long as it gets you to workout.  If you can find a way to do something you love while working out, then it will make working out more enjoyable and easier to do.  i.e. If you like tv, then most gyms have cardio machines that you can use while watching tv. (that was a kinda lame example because I'm sure you already knew that. -Just making a point)  Maybe you'll find that one type of working out suits you better than another.  Sometimes  when people think of working out, all they think of is cardio or lifting weights. But you can do other things,  (maybe you enjoy sports?  If you have some bars nearby, some gymnastic stuff can provide a thorough workout. Punching bags. Fighting. Plain old hard work, like yard work even provides somewhat of an exercise.  )  Start simple and build up from there.
Anyways, I'm done rambling now.

I'm pretty active throughout the week. I go the gym 5 days a week for weight lifting. One day of rest and one day for cardio.  Monday and Thursday is biceps, triceps, lats, and back areas.  Tuesday is cardio, Wednesday and Saturday is abs, and shoulders (rhomboids, delts,  traps, etc.).   I think I'll be switching my wednesday and tuesday workouts though.  So I spend fair amount of time at the gym.   During the winter season I do wrestling (2 years so far)  My diet's pretty well balanced. I try to take in natural protein -white meats, fish, eggs, milk etc. whenever possible.  Other than that I just try to eat healthy with plenty of fruits and veggies. (except for the weekends once in a while  ;) )   So far it's been going well.    I really want to start mma training but the place where they meet is a ways away. I might be able to start sometime in the summer. Until then I guess it'll just be weight training. ;D

Hardware / Encryption through fragmentation possible on SSD?
« on: May 20, 2011, 02:40:30 PM »
So I posted something like this a week or so ago but the topic like disappeared. ???    Maybe I pressed something...
Anyways,   I read this article about how it would be possible to encrypt data by breaking it down and scattering the pieces all throughout the HD.  On a large HD that sounds like reasonable idea.  However, I was talking to a friend and the concept of doing the same thing on a Solid State Drive came up.    I see how it would function on a standard HD -due to how they store data throughout the disc. But would that work on a SSD?  Because they store data differently (hence the major speed different)  So would that prevent data from potentially being scattered?

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