Operating System / Re: Questions For Kali as main OS.
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:05:08 PM »
The chances of you using even a quarter of the tools Kali supplies is honestly slim to none. Kali is just an OS which has access to many tools, but many of them aren't going to be practical for your use. All the tools provided in Kali can be installed on any distro, so I'd recommend using Kali as a VM and learning which tools you're prone to utilize more frequently. A good way to grasp which tools you'd be using is by downloading some vulnerable images (boot2roots) from sites like vulnhub.com, running them as vm's, and testing different tools against it. The site includes walkthroughs if you get stuck as well, but you'll get some idea for which tools to utilize in certain situations. As for which distro's you should be looking into, that's a debate that's been held on this forum frequently, so a quick search should help you with that answer.