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Messages - nemon1c

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Operating System / Re: Questions For Kali as main OS.
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:05:08 PM »
The chances of you using even a quarter of the tools Kali supplies is honestly slim to none. Kali is just an OS which has access to many tools, but many of them aren't going to be practical for your use. All the tools provided in Kali can be installed on any distro, so I'd recommend using Kali as a VM and learning which tools you're prone to utilize more frequently. A good way to grasp which tools you'd be using is by downloading some vulnerable images (boot2roots) from sites like, running them as vm's, and testing different tools against it. The site includes walkthroughs if you get stuck as well, but you'll get some idea for which tools to utilize in certain situations. As for which distro's you should be looking into, that's a debate that's been held on this forum frequently, so a quick search should help you with that answer.

looks like you might be better off looking at a vm from The attack vectors are a lot more focused and will help you learn what to look for when needing to compromise/ get a shell on a machine. Some vm's like tr0ll/tr0ll2 are good one's for beginners

DVL isn't meant to have tutorials. You're supposed to target the specific services it's running and determine which is best practices to use to exploit those vulnerabilities.

General discussion / Re: Getting in the IT field.
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:34:56 PM »
assuming you truly have the amount of knowledge your stating regarding TCP/IP etc... I would skip the A+ and begin with the Network+ as your first cert. People who usually move to the help desk from a non related field (accounting, insurance, etc...) usually take the A+ as their first cert because they don't have much experience/knowledge in an IT field. Once you attain that, you can look at the Security+ cert and move on from there. A lot of companies will either pay for you to get your certs or reimburse you when and if you pass. The only way to really gain more experience in this field is to read and practice. Sites like and (there are many more I'm not listing) will allow you to practice and enhance your skills regarding security. Like you said, you're going to have to do your time doing some bitch work like the help desk, but if you can, look for some entry level infosec jobs. Anyways, just my $.02, hope it helped in some way.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Trusted Torrent Software & Process
« on: December 15, 2014, 01:04:45 AM »
I use Peerblock (windows) and Peerguardian (mac) as an ip blocker when torrenting. There's no way this completely protects you, but I haven't faced any ISP warnings yet.

Your best bet is to just torrent through a vpn like PIA or something similar. Or actually, buying a seedbox is becoming more and more popular. Idk just my thoughts.

Hacking and Security / SOP Exploit found in Android (CVE-2014-6041)
« on: September 16, 2014, 02:09:10 AM »
crazy how this was just discovered now...

Code: [Select]

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: BitTorrent
« on: September 10, 2014, 02:21:48 PM »
torrent through a vpn (preferably a paid one like PIA). If your too lazy/broke to pay for one, use software like Peerblock/PeerGuardian and download lists from iblocklist to prevent certain ip address from accessing your computer.

Thanks for the share.
Theoretically, what could happen if his identity was revealed?

holds a large amount of crypto-currency which is untraceable to an extent (unless following the blockchain) = attractive target to criminals

Operating System / Re: Kali Linux Installation Process
« on: July 06, 2014, 09:56:04 PM »
you're better off just installing Kali as a VM as it's not really practical or necessary to have it as a partitioned OS on your machine. Plenty of guides out there on how to do this.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Popcorn Time
« on: March 31, 2014, 04:43:31 PM »
Well, here are all the movies on this application :P

While that's true, the idea with these applications is streaming opposed to waiting for a torrent to finish before watching. It also aggregates a bunch of different repos (EZTV, TPB, YIFI) into one interface. Your machine allocates the required memory for the entire torrent and downloads the torrent to a default directory that gets wiped every time you finish watching. An interesting feature with XBMC is you can get set a directory for the files to be downloaded to that doesn't get wiped. So now you're getting quick access and a permanent file once it has completed downloading. Anyways, this is more of a response to DeepCopy's inquiry I guess.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Popcorn Time
« on: March 28, 2014, 07:02:07 PM »
I just wish it had TV Shows or at least the ability to add torrents. Integrated TVT or BTN would be boss

hate necroing an old thread, but I switched to xbmctorrent which works extremely well.  Can stream tv shows, movies, music, from a number of torrent sites. It can be found here:

Found it on the Webs / Re: Popcorn Time
« on: March 18, 2014, 02:19:52 AM »
Hasn't been released yet. It will be interesting to see where YIFY takes it

It actually is back and can be found here:
Code: [Select]
Still needs some work though. Movies you've previously watched sometimes override new movies you're looking at. I'm sure after a couple of weeks YTS will have everything sorted out. The MPAA won't be able to do much at this point.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Popcorn Time
« on: March 15, 2014, 02:48:40 PM »
not trying to revive an old topic, but for those curious...

Popcorn Time is shutting down today. Not because we ran out of energy, commitment, focus or allies. But because we need to move on with our lives.
Our experiment has put us at the doors of endless debates about piracy and copyright, legal threats and the shady machinery that makes us feel in danger for doing what we love. And that’s not a battle we want a place in.


it all runs on open source repos, so hopefully someone out there will rebuild it.

I just tried checking it out and it seems to be down for me.

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