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Messages - Heisenburg

Pages: [1] 2
General discussion / Re: The Most Difficult Program to Compute?!
« on: July 02, 2014, 05:22:52 PM »
 ::) Random number generation. Perhaps, unless using hardware support

Found it on the Webs / Re: 300+ Documentaries
« on: March 28, 2014, 04:52:15 AM »
 8) Cool !

Projects and Discussion / Re: LISP, who are you?
« on: January 01, 2014, 04:42:05 AM »
LISP is a unique language.... I mean, see vezzy's post for the avid fan's perspective.  From my perspective lisp is a good language for the following reasons:

1) It forces you to think differently from programming in something like C++ (same is true of other languages like MatLab)
2) It forces you to see things from a different perspective

Agreed, since Lisp are held together by structures called cons cells. It force you to think from a different perspective, from structure tree to tail recursive....

By my personal point of view, I think that Lisp language is hailed as the most powerful programming language, is because of it's academic reputation, in AI, especially. Oh yes, If you want to implement AI in malware... But the hardest part of programming malwares in Lisp is not that it's cryptic syntax, but....

  • You may found that there is no way to *build* executable file in lisp. You need to dump the core file outta the Lisp environment ( runtime environment or compiler )
    EDITED: and if you dumped the core file from SBCL, it should be extremely big.

  • If not, you need to make a MAKEFILE-like config file and compile the Lisp malware in victim side. Of course, you need a Lisp environment too.

PS. I got your idea before, that Lisp malware. But mastering lisp need a lot of time and practise :-[

General discussion / Re: What's your favourite book
« on: December 30, 2013, 04:54:45 PM »
 8)  wow, it is hard to choice, since I have so much book I loved.

Mostly fiction type:

  • Smiley Trilogy
  • Hercule Poirot series
Ps. I don't like sherlock holmes series, for no reason.

Reverse Engineering / Re: Crackme
« on: December 28, 2013, 10:23:31 AM »
 :o  erm..... you were right.

I didn't obfuscate my strings...
Thanks for the code donation :)

Reverse Engineering / Re: Crackme
« on: December 25, 2013, 07:47:53 AM »
 ???  So hardcore ?

me neither bad at cracking too.

Reverse Engineering / Crackme
« on: December 25, 2013, 06:43:57 AM »
Learn C for a few months, and I quite love "CRACKME" games.
So I decided to code some for you guys. And I can improve my programming skills in this game, too :)

I implement some anti-reverse engineering to my code. Both 32-bit and 64-bit are inside the tarball. And please don't post the magic number right here, you cal always got me in this forum.
Just PM me and ask for the magic number or the source :)

The executable file is given below :)

Tutorials / Re: Arch Linux Install Guide (Dec. 2013)
« on: December 24, 2013, 01:11:37 PM »
 :o  erm, that codes.
I think Archlinux's wiki and community already have a good environment for beginner to deal with it.

Anyway, good try :)

C - C++ / Re: [q]Learning the win32 API
« on: December 24, 2013, 10:13:53 AM »
Willing to learn WIn32 API but don't know where to start with.

Found it on the Webs / Re: A comprehensive tutorial on cross-site scripting
« on: December 20, 2013, 07:30:56 AM »
 8)  cool tutorial for newstarter....
Let there be Cookie

I'd recommend checking this site out
Take a look at each listed tool there and pick your favourite.

Thanks :-)

Android / Re: [Android]Games you play?
« on: November 29, 2013, 07:33:22 AM »
The only thing I play on mine is GBA games. I use MyBoyAdvanced for the emulator. Mostly Pokemon and Zelda. Might hit up Kirby or Spiderman once in a while.

Well, can't forget Zelda... The first game I met on GBA. (The second is pokemon XD)

I rarely play games on my nexus sweeties', but when I do.
I play subway surfer EDIT: , just for killing time. Especially when I am compiling *big* porn's...
(and eventually have a great skill dodging trains :P

 ???  I am currently using gentoo Linux.
I usually learn cracking stuffs on windows, and using OllyDBG.
Now I wanted to go *nix,

And I don't know why, the wine emulator crashed and unusable...

Before I going deep to investigate why my wine crashed,
I'd love to know any disassemble analyser tool are available ?

(( For my personal point of view, GDB maybe my choice ))

General discussion / Re: Post your deskTOP
« on: November 29, 2013, 01:19:49 AM » my desktop when dueling with ruby environment - Wallpaper from simple_desktop

 8)  awesomeWM with gentoo

PS awesomeWM is awesome, but the language it used, LUA was not so.....
I hate LUA too.... but no choice. Me usually download other's configs and theme
cause I am lazy to write one myself.

english before that, definitely. That way, it'd be easier for you to ask good questions, and get good answers from the community.

However, if someone is new then I would definitely recommend that they NOT use kali or backtrack. Personally, I think the best idea is to learn some programming beforehand, and build your own tools, just to gain an understanding of how they work on the code level, then maybe start trying out the tools with the distro of your choice.

Strongly agreed ! The best way is to build up some programming skill or system knowledge first in order to fiddle with Operating System.

Pages: [1] 2

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