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Hacking and Security / Re: A Little Confused.
« on: November 25, 2013, 05:32:44 AM »
I like to use python for most of my tool creation, mainly because it is easy and fast to create, and I can easily pass the source to the rest of my team quickly. But thats just for small things, C is definitely better for final, polished solution's.

On a sidenote, Violent Python is an excellent book. My mentor introduced me to the author, who he used to work with. The guy is a certified badass. And the book is good also.

Hardware / Re: Newegg alternatives
« on: November 22, 2013, 05:25:13 AM »
I've always been an HP person myself. Dell meh, just don't go Asus or Acer, always nothing but bad things so far from them.

Really? I've never had any problems from my Asus. Love the damn thing. Lenovo is pretty good. I like for a lot of stuff, but Amazon has been getting better.

Pages: [1]

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