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Messages - balanyc

Pages: [1]
thanks for ur all response,,, gonna try this,,,

btw, it's better to combine inject with ssh, not a direct access to browser & other app  ;D
since direct need extra configuration  :P
this is my full set up:
1. uncheck default gateway in your dial-up connection
2. connect
3. add route to your isp proxy
4. start inject
5. login your ssh acc, use inject as your proxy (bitvise or putty, enable proxy forward)
6. open proxifier (make sure all req sent through bitvise)
7. pray, hope your isp have a bughole  8)

last, I need part2 of this topic, 3 of 7 isp in my country already know how to fix this method  :'(

How would I find out the ISP header data? And the bughost always has to be facebook right?

google can answer your first Q  ;)
Code: [Select]
this is my header request, you can see what bughost used for
Code: [Select]
HTTP Request Header
Connect to on port 80 ... ok
Host:[CRLF] <<<<<< bughost

do have any of this tools you mentioned? like bughost ang the others?

configurable one
Code: [Select] by the maker
work for all opsel in my country, though each one have it's own configuration.

it can be different for each opsel, so it's more like trial-error. even can be used as a bughost lol

3. By exloiting the free 0.facebook access and gain access to other sites without paying ( Needs advanced knowlegde to Mobile networks

this one has been using in my country, thx to anonymous phreaker who found the way and share the trick.
free internet access since 6 months ago using my 3g usb modem  :P
this "0.facebook" called as bughost, used to camouflage data that will be sent to ISP's proxy.
What needed: isp proxy:port, isp header data, bughost, a simple proxy server app that can manipulate header data (called as inject)
inject will send an injectdata (header data contain bughost) to open connection with isp proxy before  realdata will be sent.

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