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Messages - Resistor

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Virtual Box, Damn Vulnerable Web App, WebGoat, Kali Linux.

General discussion / Re: Your vote counts
« on: June 09, 2015, 11:58:25 AM »

Here's some free Burp Suite videos I came across on reddit. I glanced at a few of them quickly and they seem to be pretty decent.

I made some video tutorials for Burp Suite if anyone is interested. I tried uploading them to some other sites but they took them down for “prohibited content”, so I just made my own Shopify site to put them on.

To download for free:

    Go to

    Add to Cart

    Click “Checkout” button

    On the right, type in the discount code: REDDIT_FREE_BURP

    Click “Apply” and price should change to $0.00

You still need to enter an email and address because of how the sites order system works, but you can just use any fake credentials. Once you hit “Continue to Payment” it will say: Your order is free. No payment is required.

If you guys have any problems downloading them, let me know. And thanks for all the news and discussion over the years, definitely one of the best security related communities on the web :)


EvilZone upload:

Hacking and Security / Re: Basics of Hacking
« on: May 26, 2015, 01:33:54 AM »
What is the hacking world turning into?

Why can't anyone do "proper" research?

Why is google like a demon to many?

Why is the internet producing so many skids?

This seems to be a huge issue. I Really do not get why people are to lazy to research this art. Yet they want to be l33t hackers. It just doesn't work that way. It takes years to master this skill(and you still won't know everything), and it isn't something that is from outer space, the concepts are not discovered  by aliens. Anyone can properly understand the concept.

But using the book knowledge you learn is another ball game, you have to be made for it. It has to be a passion. Anyone here should be able to agree with this.

I think it largely comes down to ethos, and a genuine desire to learn, or the lack thereof. From my perspective, hacking is all about the journey. It's the struggle of trying to understand something in depth, or trying to get something to work, and the whole process of the undertaking that ultimately leads to the end result. For skiddies, it's all about the end result, the process doesn't matter at all. If a button that says "EZ" can be clicked and a desired end result can be achieved, that's all that matters.

I think all humans generally prefer things to be easy rather than hard, but a certain percentage of humans just have a genuine curiosity. A deep yearning for understanding how the world works, their place in it, and how they can change it for the better, whether it be subjectively or objectively. Skiddies do not have such personalities or characters.

Whether the amount of people with a lack of that greater yearning has increased vastly because of how technology has advanced exponentially in the last century or not is up for debate. I think it's very true that among the general population, the vast majority of people just want things to work, and don't care how it works, just that it does. And this doesn't just apply to hacking, it applies to pretty much everything. The percentage of humans with that deep drive to understand is very low I think, and I think it's historically true. If you look back through history at the people who have made great scientific discoveries, they were very few and far between in relation to the masses of humanity. While most people were content to unquestionably accept the notion that the Earth was flat, Eratosthenes read about shadows in a book, and curiosity and the desire to know drove him to discover that the Earth was round.

I think the best thing ultimately is to just ignore the skiddies, and focus on learning. After all, all those people that thought the Earth was flat are long forgotten, but Eratosthenes' name is in many books.

Hacking and Security / Re: Hacking a password with GPU
« on: May 26, 2015, 12:55:08 AM »
How long does it take to hack a WPA2 encrypted password when you use rockyou as passwordlist and you do it  with a GPU? Generally speaking how long a GPU needs to go through a large file like rockyou. You know that a CPU with 4 or even 8 cores is horrible slow compared to a GPU but I will know long it takes for a GPU. To go through rockyou with a 4 or 8 core  CPU takes 7-10 days but whatabout a GPU. Is this really so much faster? Maybe one day? I am sure that there are guys here that know something about it.

Maybe someone could ma a test and share experiences with us?

rockyou.txt takes nowhere near that long. On an older dual core laptop i5 processor it takes me like an hour.

Mobile Hacking / Re: Smartphone that supports monitor mode?
« on: May 26, 2015, 12:49:54 AM »
For what it's worth, Offensive Security has a Kali project called Nethunter with official support for Nexus devices and the Oneplus one. I don't think they support monitor mode though, so you'll need to use a USB card like the alpha card.

Don't have any experience with it myself yet, but I'm getting a Oneplus one pretty soon and will play around with it.

I'm a cyber security student and I'm working on an assignment for a wireless and mobile device security class. I'm needing to find vulnerabilities/exploits that were published in 2015, even if only more information on known vulns, for Windows Phone OS, iOS, Android, and Blackberry OS, and I'm having the hardest fucking time finding something on Windows Phone.

Anyone know of a good vulnerability database for mobile OS?

Is the most recent thing for Windows Phone the 2014 mobile pwn2own cookie ex filtration? Has there been no new vulns at all in 2015? Seriously, fuck this operating system!

Thanks for the link to that report, Polyphony. I had glanced over the news about this earlier in the week but haven't had time to read up on it much, and I just read the report.

Pretty fucking insane. With the technological links to stuxnet, and this appearing to be the precursor to stuxnet, as well as the GROK keylogger as mentioned here,,nsa-spreads-malware-on-an-industrial-scale.aspx

It's obviously the NSA. Perhaps also in partnership with the GCHQ.

What's interesting is on page 25 of the report in discussing the PHP vbulletin exploit, it states that visitors from Jordan, Turkey, and Egypt were not infected. However, if you look at page 20 of the report, the United States is listed as being a country where victims were exploited. How nice of the NSA to extend a courtesy to people within the borders of Jordan, Turkey, and Egypt that they didn't extend to people within the United States.

This is yet another example of how truly pervasive the exploitation and surveillance is that the NSA and its nation state partners is doing. They need to be severely defunded, but that will never happen.

I wonder what sorts of data would signal an infectee as interesting?

Finally, what a great job by Kaspersky, not only in uncovering this, but actually heuristically blocking a nation state infection. I think I'm going to give them some money right now and buy their product.

General discussion / Re: Something similar to a study group, but not quite.
« on: February 25, 2015, 10:07:03 AM »
If you do pursue this in any way you should stay focused squarely on learning, and make sure you are well within the letter of the law at all times, which would necessitate knowing the relevant laws. You should regard anyone and everyone you meet as a potential law enforcement agent, because LEAs actively infiltrate and monitor such groups.

General discussion / Re: Fuck the system! We can bring it down
« on: February 04, 2015, 08:15:08 PM »
I sincerely think that if all the money that was spent in political campaign contributions was donated instead to open source crypto projects like Tor, OTR, GnuPG, bitcoin, darkcoin, etc., in ten to fifteen years all the world's spy agencies and governments would become irrelevant.

General discussion / Re: Barrett Brown
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:21:23 AM »
Ah fuck me, right you are. I should probably refrain from reading news when drinking. Here's Barrett Brown's first article regarding his case after no longer being gagged. A must read.

General discussion / Re: Barrett Brown
« on: February 02, 2015, 05:37:03 AM »
A lot better than a century. I think the biggest joke is the application of RICO and forcing Brown to pay Stratfor nearly 100 fucking thousand dollars for merely crowd sourcing and reporting.

Stratfor, the private intelligence company that was trying to falsely tie peaceful Occupy activists with terrorist organizations. Justice. Fuck yeah 'Merica.

This is a major publication. IPSec and PPTP are not secure, making many VPNs not secure. SSH appears to not be secure either, making life now a bit hectic for systems administrators. I'm not sure if they are saying SSL and TLS connections can be fully decrypted on a scale of millions of users, or if they are simply monitored and collected/stored on a scale of millions of users, in hopes of being decrypted.

OTR, GnuPG, Truecrypt, Tor/TAILS, ZRTP, and CSpace appear to be secure, at least as of 2012, which is when these documents were created.

Furthermore, this is a must watch CCC talk by Jacob Appelbaum and Laura Poitras.

Hacking and Security / Re: After you hacked a router
« on: December 19, 2014, 06:31:49 PM »

General discussion / Re: Hatred video game
« on: December 17, 2014, 06:57:01 PM »

Pages: [1] 2 3 4

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