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Messages - R3Zk0N

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / A Little Confused.
« on: November 24, 2013, 05:55:28 AM »
Ok so ive been reading a fair amount of the tutorials and that and i am trying to workout, i want to do website and Pen Testing "Hacking" But i don't want to be a script kiddie and use things like SQLMAP all the time.

So my question is, is C alright to learn and build tools? because i know alot of exploits are done using C and some ASM (Reverse engineering) So if i focused on C would it equip me correctly, if that makes sense
Id like to write my own vulnerability scanner
Books that i am reading on C atm(If you have any recommandations, just list them or pm me) (Pictures used because pictures are awesome.) :P


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Pages: [1]

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