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Messages - Livebullshit

Pages: [1]
Mobile Hacking / Re: Stagefright exploit
« on: September 19, 2015, 12:29:49 AM »
Looking at the code, try to rename the file to
It should compile fine this way.
Nice exploit but stupid way of coding...

Yeah i tried it, works great and it's really nicely coded too.

I found something interesting while browsing my github.

The LaZagne project is an open source application used to retrieve lots of passwords stored on a local computer. Each software stores its passwords using different techniques (plaintext, APIs, custom algorithms, databases, etc.). This tool has been developed for the purpose of finding these passwords for the most commonly-used software. At this moment, it supports 22 Programs on Microsoft Windows and 12 on a Linux/Unix-Like OS.

Scripting Languages / Re: Crack Firefox passwords with python
« on: November 02, 2013, 08:29:00 PM »
This script works fine for windows. There is really not much to change.
Not sure if my contribution is needed anymore or the problem is already solved.

Btw, i'm a bit struggling writing the same kind of stuff for IE 7/8/9 password (still in python), if anyone did it already, would be nice.

Pages: [1]

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