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Messages - hackingqacc

Pages: [1]
Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Googles Proxy
« on: November 09, 2013, 08:37:52 AM »
Thank you, that makes sense.  :P

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Googles Proxy
« on: November 09, 2013, 12:58:00 AM »
Well how about that, the company that gives away private data like cookies is suddenly privacy aware?
Am I the only one confused here ?

Maybe this is an even better way of tracking users, I know for one thing that they would like to get rid of cookies because its not really suitable for ads anymore.
Im sceptical.
That was exactly what I was going to say. When I saw the title I thought this was about Google translate working as a proxy. Google should know well enough that one proxy is useless even if they aren't giving your data away. is a brother if ixquick and has better results imo.
I dont use anything else really.
A lot of request results in a ban though , pretty annoying because I never scaped myself to death.
Just seems to happen.
What is the actual difference between the StartPage and Ixquick? Besides looking nicer, giving the NSA your data, and having ads from the info they tracked on you StartPage is better then Google. It even already has a proxy built in, Ixquick Proxy.

Pages: [1]

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