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Messages - vicious

Pages: [1]
.NET Framework / [release] Blackchecker beta
« on: March 01, 2014, 10:26:38 AM »
I posted this on some other forum, so I decided to post here too, I created it for myself, not for a release, but I haven't seen such a checker, so it might be usefull, if you need to surf or bot sites that block proxy traffic

You must use a txt file containing proxies in ip:port format, one on each line.
 It will give you the proxies that are responding and not blacklisted in the used public database.
 Note, this will have little effect on largest sites like google and youtube, but is very eficient for most of the other sites that block proxies.
 ps. The design kind of sucks dicks, anyway, I use it that way for now, don't know when I'll have time to work on the design, but I will upload when I do so..
 virus total:

 password:   bypassing   [HMAC MD5]  security

.NET Framework / VB.NET runPE [problem]
« on: October 18, 2013, 04:07:43 AM »
I'm trying to make a runPE in work in windows 7.
I get c0000005 errorr code - memory access violation, in offset 00003f2c , that is just before the end of my portable executable (the victim process).
The error comes from ZwUnmapViewOfSection , WriteProcessMemory or SetThreadContext (all in kernel32.dll). When the code reaches ResumeThread I get the error sometimes, or sometimes notthing at all, but the process is terminated, so I cannot attach debugger. When I set breakpoint in visual studio just before ResumeThread and attach WinDbg to my victim process it shows that:  only part of a readprocessmemory or writeprocessmemory request was completed.
So how can I find out what went wrong in rewrighting the process memory?

PS:I don't know if this question is for here or for reverse engineering, seems like it don't fit here, nor there

Pages: [1]

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