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Messages - Matty1

Pages: [1]
Projects and Discussion / Re: Social Media Analyzer
« on: February 14, 2012, 06:48:38 AM »
Thanks  :D and above mentioned sites together can do my task.

Pull records from above 2 sites and map them on to get real time updates and also from which location we are getting those updates ... nice!

Projects and Discussion / Social Media Analyzer
« on: February 06, 2012, 10:50:26 AM »
Hi Every One!

Its not a project or something. if any one here can guide me that how it works to capture facebook , twitter , youtube, etc (social media websites) latest and hottest trends. i have visited few websites, they are doing pretty much what i wanted but these websites unable to fetch information from Facebook and linkedin. So is there any tool or website for this purpose (free!) :D and how they are getting such stats from above social websites.



Pages: [1]

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