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Messages - Rytiou

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Found it on the Webs / A website that codes itself live
« on: November 14, 2015, 05:03:30 PM »
Found this neat little website. Pretty much you watch an animation of the site being coded and it gets updated when it puts it in. Check it out, it's pretty interesting.

Didn't really feel like posting this in the e-book section since I just wanted to straight upload it. Pretty much this is a book published by the same company behind "The Pragmatic Programmer". This book has 57 coding exercises and it seems like a decent book for new and experienced programmers to refine and enhance their skills. I'm going to try and go through as many exercises in this book as I can and I hope some of you may as well. Download link is below. Enjoy! :)


UPDATE: Added a link submitted by acaan.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Game modding! WHERE TO BEGIN?
« on: November 01, 2015, 09:16:37 PM »
Not to burst your bubble or anything but if you're just starting out learning C# you should really take some time and learn the fundamentals since there's a lot to learn. Then once you feel comfortable start branching out and doing your own projects like you're saying. As far as your question goes I wouldn't have any idea since it isn't my area of expertise but see if you can get a hold of cr4zi8, he knows a lot about what you're talking about.

Java / Re: ebook: Absolute Java
« on: October 12, 2015, 11:33:21 PM »
For future reference post E-Books here as they are better suited in that section. Also FYI it's better to upload the books to Evilzone itself because links like these can be taken down at a moments notice and leave people who may / may not have been looking for the book you posted out of luck.

UPDATE: Edited some of the links to down since they're no longer accessible. Also added a few directories I pulled up in a short amount of time.

Note, if there are any new members out there looking to contribute this would be a great place to start since I would really appreciate it if more people would contribute to this list.

Found it on the Webs / Guy Surfs the Internet With a Laptop Made In 1983
« on: August 16, 2015, 05:53:05 PM »
So I found an interesting article about a project this guy did trying to bring a TRS-80 Model 100 online. It's a really interesting read. From the article he had to use "a Raspberry Pi, a little bit of BASIC code, and a hidden file from the website of a certain Eric S. Raymond." to assist him in his efforts. Link is below if anyone would like to read the full article and what not.

Added a directory acaan found. Thinking about finding some more directories and adding them to the list when I get some free time. Will update when that happens.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Learning Python to Hack
« on: August 04, 2015, 09:11:07 PM »
Python is a decent language to start with. IMO Learn Python the Hard Way is an amazing resource to learn python and it's free. Helped me when I was first starting off with the fundamentals and what not.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Now apparently you can hack a sniper rifle
« on: July 29, 2015, 06:41:10 PM »
Jesus... why the HELL does a gun need wifi?

That way people can upload their sweet trick shots and hopefully get into OpTiC or FaZe :P.

OMG this is golden! +3 bro.

:O. Thanks Kulverstukas. Appreciate it man <3. Hopefully I don't hit the character limit in the main thread anytime soon. Would be a pain to have to make a second thread IMO.

Added your directories DeepCopy. Just remember next time to include the status when you're going to share a directory :P

General discussion / Re: Children forum
« on: July 15, 2015, 12:06:41 AM »
I think for skid proofing just require new members to send  172,295 Satoshi or 0.00172295 BTC to evilzone wallet.

$0.50 cents is nothing. It shows commitment to learning.

But then they'll just go around and say $0.50 is too much for them and that they're unable to pay it and come up with an endless amount of reasons why. Then again it does sound like it could possibly work.

Yeah that's fine with me. I'll edit the main post and have people just PM me the links they want to add. Once people do start pm'ing links or if I decide to add any in the future I can just make a quick update reply so that way people know new stuff has been added

Here is some quick ebook finds.

I edit here if I come up with more.  +1 for the idea Rytiou.

Alright cool. Added them to the main thread. Let me know if you add anymore and I'll put them in the main thread.

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