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Messages - rajaditya37

Pages: [1] 2
Tutorials / [tutorial] How to Bypass google Mobile Verification
« on: January 23, 2016, 10:26:00 AM »
Step 1
First of all your going to need the app textPlus. Download from your app store or click below.

Step 2
Register with a valid email and to get a phone number with textPlus by clicking the top left button
and then the settings symbol. (Little Gear)
Next copy down the number you received as you will need it later.

Step 3
Head over you and click----->Sign In----->Create an Account. Or click this link
Sign up Page- Google!
Now fill in any information you want for your account and DONT enter your phone number or your current email address.
Click Next step and the phone verification will pop up.
Now, this is the important part. Put in your textPlus number and select the option of Voice Call rather then text.

Grab your mobile device and hit Continue. You will get the call and simply enter in the numbers it tells you.

Success! you now have a google account with a verified cell phone.
The problem is you only have 10 cents on you account. Each call in 2 cents so thats 5 google accounts. Easy fix.
Go to your textPlus settings----->Credits----->Watch Videos/Complete Offers.
Watch videos for 2/1 cents and complete offers for a dollar or more. Have all you google accounts you want!

Found it on the Webs / Re: Ian Murdock, Debian Linux Founder Dies Aged 42
« on: January 17, 2016, 03:59:32 PM »
Thats good that u know it but ohters not..they behave like dumb...and steal my cookies

Found it on the Webs / Re: Ian Murdock, Debian Linux Founder Dies Aged 42
« on: January 17, 2016, 03:10:04 PM »
On This Sad News..dumbs are stealing cookies...Damn it...

Found it on the Webs / Ian Murdock, Debian Linux Founder Dies Aged 42
« on: January 17, 2016, 11:27:53 AM »
Debian GNU/Linux founder Ian Murdock has died

Rest In Peace SIR Ian Murdock...
:( :(


Tutorials / Re: Hacking Elevators or Lift
« on: January 30, 2015, 10:01:42 AM »
thanks buddy..i posted for those u dont know this

Tutorials / Hacking Elevators or Lift
« on: January 30, 2015, 09:18:44 AM »
Hi Guys,

                   i’m going to tell you how to skip all other floors and go straight to the floor you want to get off.its work for me all time. :)
                   The designers of some elevators include a hidden feature that is very handy if you’re in a hurry or it’s a busy time in the building. While some elevators require a key, others can be put into “Express” mode by pressing the “door close” and “floor” buttons at the same time. This sweeps the car to the floor of your choice and avoids stops at any other floor. This seems to work on MOST elevators that i have tried. Most elevators have the option for this to work but on some of them the option is turned off by whoever runs them. This is a rather fun hack, so the next time you are on an elevator, give it a try, you have nothing to lose.

Found it on the Webs / Re: Download and Stream Site
« on: October 18, 2014, 10:37:03 PM »
The better fork:
(Time4Popcorn) no longer .EU

Or you could just download from yify, same shit popcorn time uses as a torrent back end... is another one...

Private trackers are still the best imho.

IPT/Fuzzy/SCC/BtN/WCD fanboy over here :-P

Haven't ddl'd in a long time

Oh yeah also TVAddons for XBMC, uses streaming sites as a back end, but Netflix like interface

XBMC love it..thaanks...

Found it on the Webs / Re: Download and Stream Site
« on: October 18, 2014, 09:23:01 PM »
or fmovief if youre not a dumbass and can avoid the lame attempts at spyware :p

MOSt torrent sites r affected with spyware..i dont trust on it..:-(

hi guys

            I found very intresting talk of fbi director.the question leading to my mind that Over privacy r still secure?...U have to check it out..

                   A very "Encryption isn’t just a technical feature; it’s a marketing pitch … it’s the equivalent of a closet that can’t be opened. A safe that can’t be cracked. And my question is, at what cost?" Comey said. "Both companies [Apple and Google] are run by good people, responding to what they perceive is a market demand. But the place they are leading us is one we shouldn’t go to without careful thought and debate."

Found it on the Webs / Download and Stream Site
« on: October 18, 2014, 08:57:10 PM »

I want to introduce, On this Site have it over 10 000 Movies and 400 TV Shows, all in 1 Part download and Mirror Hosters. All Movies and TV Shows can be Download or watch at Stream.



Found it on the Webs / Re: WeLCOme TO LIVE AIR TRAFFIC zone
« on: October 16, 2014, 06:28:20 PM »
I m extrmely sorry for that..:-)

Found it on the Webs / WeLCOme TO LIVE AIR TRAFFIC zone
« on: October 15, 2014, 04:23:32 PM »
HI EvilZone Guys,

           After getting good response on my recent post i decided to put u on anther ride for live air traffic room.its live plane simulation and air traffic..

          the whole world air traffic infront of your amazing to see what s going on behind the door
of air traffic room.a live screen..enjoy...

chose any plane and see full detailed live feed....

find any plane and know positin,location,..etc





Lol, i'm getting hooked on this..:D I have tested with  gray fox(from Metal gear solid), James Bond and Teemu Selänne.."Genie" got it right everytime.


yeah...U r right...but u r limitation r upto US & UK but if u think there r another country players that have 50 % same profile like US & UK players..

   if u go out of US & UK there r other two largest economy out there INDIA & CHina...they r also good for
cricket ,football etc...if u count on it the prediction goes out of any mind.. :o..

   Russia,brazil,germany who r also leaders of football...and they have some legendary players also..
so u r ANS is quite good but still the question remains for other ones..:-).

   so there r so many prediction... :D 
    you can not predict any chr in just 25,50,100 question..that what that guy do with some serious algorithm.

I apresiate ur knowledge but what i think is there are millions of posibility and millions of question.

ex. if u want a country Name of person than there are so many  posibilities.
       after u want which  sport he/she playing...there are more  1000 of question on that...
      and another info related to that person there r more posible questions..

  My Q is: how he get a master questions out of million or trillions...?

Pages: [1] 2

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