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Messages - gfx

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Projects and Discussion / Re: Useful PHP scripts package I been working on
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:51:16 AM »
Oke you know I was kidding right ? :P
I wasn't sure lol

Projects and Discussion / Re: Useful PHP scripts package I been working on
« on: September 23, 2013, 11:46:11 AM »
@Factionwars: I used to run a private phisher about a year and a half ago. I released it a while ago too (although it's extremely hard to find). These tools (a much more primitive version tho) were connected to the phisher. They're no longer connected. The phisher is still fully functional although the frontside (actual Runescape pages) are outdated. Easily fixable though.

I was thinking of connecting the DoS tool to the RS client page. That way say you're playing Runescape, and you want to quickly boot someone off -- you wouldn't have to change tabs/windows or anything. Just click a link on the upper left corner of your screen and the DoSer will become available (collapse/expand thing). A long time ago there was also talk of a RuneScript (back when it was called that) reader & decrypter -- but I assume this has either died or only certain people are "in" on it.

@Proxx: I haven't played Minecraft since late 2011/early 2012. But if there is enough interest, I can consider adding "mods" for it. It's definitely possible.

Anyhow, all suggestions/feedback welcomed! I want to make this a really useful broad tool :) . And yes, it will be 100% free/direct dl.

Projects and Discussion / Useful PHP scripts package I been working on
« on: September 23, 2013, 09:47:01 AM »
I been working on version 2 of my tools package recently. I released v1 a year ago. Here is what I have so far:

All of these tools are completely functional. They don't require setting up mysql, installing databases or anything like that (all you do is upload the php files to your server). I plan on having a lot more useful tools. Let me know what you think (what I should add, change, etc). Btw, it will be completely free like version 1 was.

All feedback is welcome :)

Pages: [1]

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