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Messages - r0ut3r2013

Pages: [1]
Mobile Hacking / SDR (Software defined Radio) + Wireshark
« on: September 16, 2013, 03:08:18 AM »
hey guys!

bitch-slap me if im wrong, but i havent really found a thread about real informative articles about mobile-hacking using a software-definded-radio ((RTL2832)) and Wireshark, so i decided to post one of them!

there are lots of other useful articles(e.g. Backtrack related) about this, too.(many YT Vids)
ive found this some months ago, and the more i go deeper into this, the more it bugs me to test about it.

im going to purchase me this one here ...

and entirely test it out.

Hardware / Re: Looking for cheap android phone.
« on: September 09, 2013, 09:37:43 PM »
my first Android-driven phone was a Acer liquid mini (E310).
well, its price was about 100 €(round about 120 usd) in 11/2011, so i think it would be quiet cheap for now.
it was a very stable running device, never had problems with it, no driver issues or what else.
rooting went without problems
just a suggestion.

Pages: [1]

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