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Messages - Matriplex

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General discussion / Re: XSS in Evilzone
« on: November 26, 2015, 06:19:50 PM »

Operating System / Re: How many of you have experience in OS dev?
« on: May 30, 2015, 05:44:38 PM »
I'll be honest, I haven't really read any books on the subject. Most of my knowledge comes from just browsing the internet.

Found it on the Webs / Re: iPhone Crash / Reboot Exploit
« on: May 27, 2015, 10:12:08 PM »
Actually it's been around a while. It crashes because Apple doesn't agree with Unicode.
Edit: To clarify it is a bug, Apple isn't just being stubborn. I wouldn't put it past them to try to create a brand new format though.

Operating System / Re: How many of you have experience in OS dev?
« on: May 25, 2015, 04:54:13 AM »
Nope. I've almost got paging working though. Just a basic shell right now with a few commands.
You should upload your code, I like having examples to look through. What you've done sounds pretty impressive though!

Operating System / How many of you have experience in OS dev?
« on: May 23, 2015, 09:10:16 AM »
I've been digging into the world of OS development for a little while for the fun of it.. Got your basic 32 bit kernel with IDT/GTC/IRQ, keyboard input, etc. No paging, user stuffz, or file system though.. Super basic but still very fun.
What have you guys done? Show off to us, I'd like to see what this forum has to offer knowledge-wise in this area.

Found it on the Webs / Online Disassembler
« on: May 21, 2015, 01:48:54 AM »
This thing is super useful if you want to quickly disassemble a dumped reg or something

Projects and Discussion / Re: I Programmed a BF4 Hack
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:51:50 AM »
Sorry for being a noob here. But how the hell did you get the information by reversing it? I tried reversing a simple building game and it was 20,000,000+(decimal, not hex) lines of code. Was there somehow a way to jump to the more interesting code?

Well when I start reversing a game I look for a basic value in cheat engine. Take health for example.. Do a search for it in CE and do your everyday change, search again, change, search again technique. Then look for accessors of that point in memory. Say you find this accesses it:

Code: [Select]
mov r11, [eax+10h]

Well, obviously the last offset is 0x10. You then search for whatever eax is at that point in time (debug/breakpoint it) and do a search for it, dereferencing. Then check what accesses that. You build a whole pointer list up until you reach a static address, and then you know that's probably the base address of the game if it's something like health/money. For more complicated things you can dump the game and inspect it in IDA, and reverse the data structures and virtuals from there looking at the virtual tables and stuffs. It takes time to learn.

I'm going to upload all the code for my hack at some point. Maybe during the summer. I'll exclude the SDK.
Or I may just upload the memory lib. Don't have much time on my hands right now, AP tests are killing me.

I'm still working on this project. I've added a bunch of shit, including teleportation and pseudo flying. Calling some virtuals for raycasting using a stub because it's an external hack. I also have a 3D radar view (top down, renders basic player models in wiremesh I made) using some directx trickery. Fun stuff :)

Which just means that they(you :P) will have to figure out how to make your hack undetectable visually.

Well there's a reason I render everything on an external overlay ;)
On a little chams test I was doing using some code I found online, I had to create a simple internal hack (dll injection) to render the chams correctly ingame. Since it's an ingame rendering thing I had to hook into the anti cheat screenshot method to send a black screenshot. The anti-cheat doesn't do anything about black screenshots because they can be caused by bad drivers, so that's one method if you're using engine rendering.

General discussion / Re: Mental illness?
« on: May 09, 2015, 03:58:21 PM »
Mild insomnia and a minor depression when a 2 of my family members died along with a friend dying in a plane crash, all in one month.

Tutorials / Re: Intro to Game Hacking: P1 External Memory Hacks
« on: May 02, 2015, 10:49:15 PM »
Yeah this information is pretty much copied off the video. But it's pretty common knowledge too.
This is nowhere near how actually creating game hacks goes though. If you're developing other things, anything other than local value hacks, you will most likely need to dump and analyze it in IDA or something similar.
Good luck attaching a debugger to a heavy game like Battlefield or COD, in multiplayer.

If I were OP I would go over more in depth reverse engineering, like finding vtables and reversing data structures, because these are the important things. No need to jump into DLL injection before they even know how to find a virtual and reverse it.

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Game Hacking Tutorial
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:58:48 AM »
Internal vs External makes no difference in detection of cheats. If you're internal you're still accessing the memory region of the program. Of course you're technically the program since you're injected but it makes no difference.
But in the end you are correct, internal is better simply for the easy ability to access reversed data structures directly instead of reading offsets.

Game Hacking, Modding & Discussing / Re: Game Hacking Tutorial
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:27:28 PM »
I could help. I've experience. PM me if you want me to contribute on your tut.
Be careful, there are many many beginner reverse engineering tutorials using Assault Cube, no copy pasta.
Also, there's no need to go internal for things like no recoil. If it's in memory and isn't a virtual function, you can access it. Of course you could reverse the virtual funcs but I digress.

Projects and Discussion / Re: I Programmed a BF4 Hack
« on: February 27, 2015, 06:29:19 AM »
Dammit... sorry guys I didn't check it. For those screaming about this, I'm not releasing the hack, period. There are plenty of other public ones out there anyways.
Mordred, Deque, sure I'll upload the memory lib code. I did it in C# because I thought it would be a nice deviation from the usual C++ hacks. I had to learn more because I couldn't just use readprocessmemory. Stuff like writing bytes got.. interesting. I realized I had a bug where I'd overwrite 1 or 2 bytes further (can't remember which) because of the buffer C# returns with the Convert.ToByte method. Lots of frustration stemmed from that until I figured it out.

I'll upload the code tomorrow night, it's almost 1 am here and I have school tomorrow.

Beginner's Corner / Re: Java noob question
« on: February 21, 2015, 07:39:28 PM »
You can also go the C++esque route and store the result in the variable you passed. However that's going heavily against Java conventions AFAIK.

Hardware / Re: What is your opinion on gaming laptops?
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:22:28 PM »
I game exclusively on PC, and I spent a shit ton on my computer so I can run anything. However that's the problem with laptops, they can't run AAA crazy graphic titles unless you turn the settings way down.

Projects and Discussion / Re: What Project are you working on?
« on: February 13, 2015, 11:56:45 PM »
So you're using Java2D, a software renderer, to create an 3D game.. Is your teacher batshit crazy or is he trying to teach you mathematics?
It's totally possible, I've done it before and it can be fun but it's not practical in the least for a real game.

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