« on: September 23, 2013, 09:36:21 AM »
This is a rather interesting discussion, and although I lack the technical competence to argue any points made here, I thought I'd simply speak my mind.
First of all, I'd like to emphasize on Lucid's point: Radical changes require a "flood" of -coordinated- movements. Pretty much like a voltage spike, if you will. Act too far apart on the time axon, and you're fucked, you've given them time to fix any damage and prepare. However, such a radical change could be classified as an "active defense" in my opinion. And it is also something that requires physical action, aside from hacking automated infrastructure routines. In other words: It is severely dangerous. Besides, I think Proxx's point was the creation of a "passive defense" system (in this case, one that requires no physical action and as such lessens the potential of being harmed) - Even though something like that can NOT offer -radical- changes in any society, it is a good start, and the hacking underground should be the creator of such a system (If not you, hackers, then who?).
In other words, I think we shouldn't linger too much on the thought of -radical- changes, at least not for the time being.
Secondly, regarding the points made by proxx, vezzy and Darkvision:
1. I won't go into technical talk, as I lack knowledge in this area and rather not talk bullshit.
2. The idea of crafting such a system is surely something decent. The point should be straining NSA's manpower AND computational power to the limit. Creating a system that's very difficult to crack is one thing and creating a system that slows down any and all human-handled investigations is another thing. Both are decently powerful, but alone, useless. Unless the two are combined, it's already a lost battle (Check Lucid's point above).
I think that the effort of creating something like that should, oddly, NOT be opensource (sidebranches of it, not openly related to it, could be opensource, as Darkvision suggested) - That is, until it is actually made. This is essentially a system that would screw with the government.
Unless you're out of your mind, you don't openly fuck with the government.
3. <Linked with #2> : If you do decide to start this as an Evilzone project, it would be a good idea to simply start... Disappearing. The more traces you leave behind, the more likely it is you'll fail. A good idea, in my opinion, would be to gather info on who's interested, leave them some time to think it over, set up a date to meet on IRC or wherever, formulate a longterm plan, and then disappear from the face of the Internet. After some pre-defined time, you all meet again and discuss what progress has been made. This process will most likely be repeatable, but the further apart the meetings are, the better. Also, I'd like to stress: If you're an American, do not even consider taking part in this. Or well, if you do, I think my idea would be a must, unless you want to become a sitting duck.
4. I've also been thinking on something for some time now, and feel it fits such a project, so I'll drop the idea here. I do not know if it is theoretically possible, or even if it has been done before and is now considered insecure, so bear with me. Anyway, the idea is to create a piece of code that would be able to alter itself (as in, through a most likely very complex procedure, self-alter its own code into a non-gibberish text, and still remain functional) - After that, I thought: Yeah okay let's assume that does happen, so what? It can still be easily cracked by analyzing the code without ever running the executable part. - And then it hit me.
Would it be possible for such a code to also have a secondary defense mechanism? I've been thinking to implement a system that erases and totally shreds the program immediately upon "breach". I mean, if I were a cryptanalyst and whatnot and someone handed me a piece of code and said "crack it", the best way for the code to protect its content would be through self-destruction. Such a defense system should activate as soon as anyone would try to analyze it (examples include inspecting it, attempting to transfer the code in a secondary program and whatnot in order to safely analyze it etc etc). No idea if it is possible, just saying.
Anyway, no more ideas at the moment, and apologies if the text has been tiresome.