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Messages - Sensei-Shun-Null

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News and Announcements / Re: Special thing for Evilzone Christmas, 2013
« on: December 25, 2013, 08:00:00 AM »
D'aww Thanks Lol Merry Christmas and a happy New Years :P

From the other source where I've read this story from the guys were all having some fun with this article by replying to it with some possible NSA trigger words lol XD

Possible NSA triggers?

Osama Bin Laden, Nuclear weapons, how to build a bomb?, fuck the USA, fuck america, islamic, i want to kill americans for allah, atomic bombs,snowden's documents, what snowden discovered, death to all americans, i want to bomb, al queda for dummies,


Original Link

"Civil disobedience takes a new and somewhat lighthearted turn with the introduction of Jeff Lyon’s new browser extension Flagger. The extension intentionally inserts NSA keywords into URL addresses in hopes of triggering false alarms.
The National Security Agency’s domestic spying program has been the subject of intense debate since it was revealed by Edward Snowden. As the calls to stop the program seem to have fallen on deaf ears in Washington, people are taking matters into their own hands. Installing Flagger, an open source program, on your computer adds words the NSA is likely looking for into innocent web addresses you are visiting.
The creator acknowledges that this is not a complete answer.
“Flagger is not a solution to the problem of unconstitutional government surveillance. Anyone who cares about this has a civic duty to engage in the democratic process and attack the problem at its root. But as long as the NSA continues to illegally spy on us, we have no reason to make their jobs any easier.”
It is, however, a humorous and non-violent form of protesting what many see as an unconstitutional spying program. Some of the additional words that are added into the web addresses are “dear_nsa” and “lulz.” Some of the more serious terms that will be inserted into the URL address are "taliban" and "bomb."
The Frequently Asked Questions page of the Flagger website contains links to high-profile cases where the government has arrested someone for a non-violent internet protest and the creator advises people that while he does not believe his program is illegal, he is not a lawyer. The page also has an image of the main gate of the internment center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
While Flagger is definitely in the “Use at your own risk” category of programs, it is likely to find a devoted following and user base in digital activists that have been manually adding extra data to posts in an attempt to clog the NSA’s spying program with bogus reports."

This sounds like an extreme fun way to protest illegal spying on us doesn't it ? lol XD

Reverse Engineering / Re: Easy n00b friendly reversing tuts
« on: September 27, 2013, 04:20:53 AM »
I've had a look at this and thought that it was an excellent tut :D

The only problem is, I'm spending way too much time trying to configure WINE to run softice or Heiw properly :/

Hacking and Security / Re: Prove you're 1337 with this site !!!! :P
« on: September 14, 2013, 12:48:10 AM »
D'em mad l337 skillz.

It doesn't shock me that there's a site like this but it still makes me facepalm. I guess we'll never get passed this hacker rep shit. I wounder if there's a bounty for hacking the site itself...

As long as skids think that they're hot shit with skillz because they can run a script with very little or no knowledge about what's going on behind it, well always have this hacker rep system thingy ... 

Common sense is another thing skids seem to lack :/

Hacking and Security / Re: Prove you're 1337 with this site !!!! :P
« on: September 13, 2013, 11:01:48 PM »
This article reminds me of the extreme stupidity you'd find on that hack forums site sometimes lol

The little time I spent on there before the first time I came here, I've seen one or two threads where the op posted about some major hack he/she had done. Lol

I wonder if the authorities love that forum site because of lack of common sense and stupidity ? 

I remember this website from my earlier, script kiddie days.

I signed up for it but I never actually put anything on.

Don't we all start off as skids at one point when first starting off ? :P

Hacking and Security / Prove you're 1337 with this site !!!! :P
« on: September 13, 2013, 09:58:13 AM »
Eh it's kind of old and the site's down but I was hoping this community would get a kick out of this article unless it's already been posted or mentioned on here before lol

"Happy hackers attack sites, submit hacks for ratings on RankMyHack
By Darlene Storm

August 15, 2011 9:04 PM EDT
Happy Hacking! Wanna duel? While I might be joking, there is apparently an issue in IRC, forums and underground cyber meeting places. When you meet another hacker online, how do you know if that person is full of hot air or if they have any l33t skills? A UK hacker and web developer who goes by 's0lar' created a site called RankMyHack "to fix the problem of ranking in hacking underground." It also helps to track "hackers hacking achievements under their current alias allowing for other hackers to quickly establish the caliber of hacker they are talking to."

Welcome to RankMyHack.Com The world's first elite hacker ranking system. Submit proof of your website hacks in exchange for Ranking Points that earn you a place on the leaderboard of legends. The bigger the site, the bigger the points. Then use your points to duel with other hackers and protect your legacy in one on one digital combat. So have you got what it takes to be the best?

In theory, there have been more than 1,100 sites hacked. The current leader with a #1 ranking attacked the Huffington Post. Other sites range from Mashable, Mapquest, Monster, Flickr, Linkedin and many more. While XXS (cross-site scripting) attacks are worth fewer points, there are bonus points called "bounty" awarded for hacking government, military, educational or racist websites. Bounties offer "additional ranking point reward" and Ku Klux Klan sites are included on that reward list. Allegedly MIT, Princeton, Harvard, Cornell, Georgetown, and Stanford have all been hacked and that's but naming a few.

If this site is for real, a potential attacker can input a website URL to see how many ranking points it would be worth. In the name of testing purposes, a person might be curious enough to test a couple in order to list examples: " is worth 1704545 Ranking Points. XSS attacks against are worth 17045 points." And " is worth 237341 Ranking Points. XSS attacks against are worth 2373 points." This is not an endorsement or a suggestion to hack anyone.

So a hacker would attack a site, tag it with "Your_Unique_Code" and submit the hacked site URL. Then RankMyHack scans to validate and detect the unique code as proof. 


There is also a "war room" for chatting. Another page is devoted to resources, information, hacking tutorials, tools and forums.

Duels are like the great hack-off competition with a time limit. He or she who hacks the most sites in the allotted time wins.According to RankMyHack "Duels are a one on one hacker competition, you set the time limit and point stake in your duel request, when your opponent accepts the duel request you have the specified amount of time to collect as many ranking points as possible by hacking websites and submitting them through the Submit Form." When the time is up, the hacker with the most ranking points within that time limit is the winner and the "ranking point stake is then deducted from the losing player's total ranking points and awarded to the victor."

According to s0lar, "This site isn't the next Anonymous or the next Lulzsec." As for the bounties, they "provide a politically constructive target" for RankMyHack members. The Twitter account for @RankMyHack shows that the site launched July 22. Not even a month later, the current number of sites allegedly hacked is 1,132."

I dunno if the site was genuine or just a trap to put lame skid website defacers behind bars but I am hoping it was a trap lol 

EDIT: Yes I just realized that I should had used you're instead of your in the title... :p

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