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Messages - Master.Hacker

Pages: [1]
Hardware / Re: Need a wireless card for my desktop
« on: August 26, 2013, 04:34:44 PM »
You mean, Alfa?

Either way, mine has been used for quite some years now and it still works. It has been turned on for at least a year now, almost non-stop (except for some power failures) and it still works wonders.

Yes I mean that, sry I was kind of sleepy when I wrote it I didn't do it intentionally. I appreciate to know that it last long enough to not consider getting other piece of hardware :) cuz ALFA its great!!!

Hardware / Re: Need a wireless card for my desktop
« on: August 26, 2013, 07:10:08 AM »
If you plan to use the aircrack suite for your attacks you could look at the list of supported devices on their website and compare to see what suits you.

I read it already but I think that not using my atlas 36h would be better of the extensive use and for not degrading it. Cuz atlas is good and maybe I'm just being too far thinking that it could be toasted after every day use..

Hardware / Need a wireless card for my desktop
« on: August 26, 2013, 12:38:22 AM »
I'll be using it for hacking (injection, monitor, etc) and I'm not looking for a portable USB version.

Think that for running 24/7 on a desktop computer would be better pci or a pci express.

Which would give the best and stable performance to use it with backtrack 5 r3?

Pages: [1]

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