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Messages - Poltergeist

Pages: [1]
Hacking and Security / Can mysqli prepared statements be hacked?
« on: August 21, 2013, 04:21:05 AM »
I now use prepared statements for insert methods, to prevent my SQL injection, and wonder does it really work, has any one managed to hack prepared statements?

How do I connect to the Tor network from my code?
I don't want to have to install a special browser as apart of the process,
ultimately I want to run cron jobs from my remote server, to do the work.
While masking my the IP,is there anything that can do this?

How to scrap websites anonymous, without spooking the site owners,

I don't want them shutting me out, when they see a spike in requests with the same IP, and redesign things out of defence.

How does the site log my IP, This is where I get confused, is the site loging by ISP IP or the IP i run my code on?

How does my IP end up in there server logs?
where is it coming from?
How to manipulate it on request?

Any help would be great...

Pages: [1]

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