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Messages - hackias

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AI strategies in games are often that of search strategies where entities inherit path finding algorithms to move around a map.  An example would be counter strike with bots which wander around a map to mimic a human player.  An example would be the A* search algorithm.

Alternatively in games like chess, checkers and other 2-player games, an AI search strategy would be the MiniMax algorithm, one player denoted min, one player denoted max.  The objective is for each to maximise their goal.  One player wants a high score and will choose an action which leads to a maximum value, the defeating player wants to minimise the score hence the MiniMax terminology used.  Value in this context would be denoted a state,  Many states exist equal to the number of legal chess moves possible to a player, e.g. choose the move with the best state (best min or max value relative to player min or max).


I am a self employed programmer working from my home bedroom, I still live with my mummy :).  So perhaps I have good input on this matter.  This last month I just finished a job with an invoice worth 3046 GBP.

You want to know my secret.  I built my own framework which spans C++, Php and Java.  Basically when people want software and/or web apps developed, I plug elements of my framework together, polish it, pack it and deliver it.

For 18 months I was living off 50 GBP a week (nothing) but now I am financially stable.  I could not take a job for another year and I'd still be comfortable.

After I built my own framework (because I'm a control freak like this, I always want it my way, my code and no third party).  I started marketing myself on etc.  I purchased a trademark with my government IP office to stamp over my framework.

I did some jobs for various people, minute amounts of money to begin with until I could acquire feedback.  At present my average income is 3000GBP a month thus my average mean salary is 36000GBP which for my age is okay.

when people see my software OR other peoples/business software (they see my trademark :)).  Now I do jobs for individuals and between contracts, I work on my private projects which will make me substantial amounts of money before long.

I have a computer scientist honours degree and ICT background (raw coding as a kid) and CS insight as a teen/adult.  I worked my arse off and it got hard living in a room 16 hours a day but it is now worth it.  I expect to be in 6/7 digits within 18 months the way things are going and my excel sheet growth is predicting.

1. Learn a web technology, software language and train your eye for design
2. Learn how to invoice and do some spreadsheet planning
3. Market yourself on freelance websites
4. Buy a phone, put a professional voice message on it for clients
 - Many clients never call but the option-to is professional (I never answer the phone unless a client leaves a message first)
5. Record ALL income for legality
6. Learn how to write good cover letters
7. Discipline yourself, no youtube or xbox etc, be realistic and persist

Tip: I strongly recommend Java, I've never had a client ask for Python OR Ruby albeit some require PHP work.  Mostly it is Java as it is an industry standard.  Personally I dislike Java but it pays the bills.

Also paying more attention to branding and identity is often more than code detail or efficiency (yeah I know), but clients with the money only ever see the front-end and thw wow-factor, design is paramount.

Have fun.  I could disclose more but as any business guy will tell you, never give away ALL your secrets but I think what I have said is enough.

Since people mentioned keepass, I forgot to mention kpassc (alternative) native c++ solution for windows and ubuntu.

Guake Terminal

Excellent terminal application which is visible hidden via F12 hotkey with multiple terminal tabs.  Great for irssi background sessions in IRC and of course it supports transparency.[/size][/font]

General discussion / Re: Interrogation Technique and Simple Rule
« on: August 14, 2013, 05:37:26 PM »
Because they might have some form of evidence against you.

Perhaps a dangerous assumption to make.  Knowing the laws or not, I think it is better to frankly just remain silent, why even entertain the idea of playing by the rules.

General discussion / Re: Interrogation Technique and Simple Rule
« on: August 14, 2013, 12:39:29 PM »
I've been thinking about crimes, newspapers, journalists and slander and come to the conclusion that it is all just a collection of opinions.  Without factual evidence, it is indeed easy to circumvent methods of law enforcement.  Just because the police say an individual is a criminal or they exist on a database, does it mean its true.

If nine people say someone committed a crime, does it means its true?  Many people say religion is true, some will not.

Also if you admit to any crime, does it mean its true? a slip of the tongue, a false confession do they mean anything.

People say you are guilty? so what... your objective is to stay out of prison, not "win" the opinions or support of the majority.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  Helping the police with their "investigation" is meaningless.

Btw I'm based in Europe, not the US.  I just see the whole justice system flawed with opinions and rarely evidence.  Too many people have had their life's ruined by the opinions of others.

Btw, for the record, I was badly slandered at some time in my life and there was nothing I could do about it, it felt like it was me against the world.  In the end and now, I simply stopped "caring" and closed my mouth.  Never did I agree to anything, admit to anything nor do I deny anything.  Nothing happened and I believe this strategy is optimal.

Indeed, I would also opt to no speaking at all until a lawyer that I called arrives and I can firstly discuss everything with him in private. You'd be surprised how many times it has happened for an agency to send in a person who is not a lawyer or to send in a state-sponsored lawyer who was not obliged to confidentiality and who in turn immediately ratted the culprit out (when he did something bad of course, but I take that as a given due to the nature of the discussion).

Basically I would say that the golden rule is to associate yourself with a lawyer. You can never know what might happen and when you might need him.

I would rather not even talk to a lawyer, what do you need his or her opinion for, just refuse to engage in ANY discussion.  When they cannot convince you to play by their rules, what can they gain?

Staff note: bitches don't get to edit. They get edited.

General discussion / Interrogation Technique and Simple Rule
« on: August 13, 2013, 06:32:03 PM »
Okay, say you are being interrogated for a crime.  I conclude the best strategy is to never say anything, not even "no comment" because in my research, there is a fundamental flaw in the system between opinions and facts.

You frankly refuse to engage in conversation and never sign any document.  Technically unless you admit to anything or make some mistake which is recorded on audio, what is the worst that can happen?  You may be detained albeit not charged.


You get charged and you face court, refuse to speak in court.  Note that the punishment in not entering dialogue may be less than the punishment of the crime.  Also if you want to save face, perhaps the lesser crime is better than the actual crime regardless of whether you are innocent or guilty.  Rarely these days do people care about the truth?

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