Projects and Discussion / Re: How does artificial intelligence programming work ?
« on: December 16, 2013, 08:21:25 AM »
AI strategies in games are often that of search strategies where entities inherit path finding algorithms to move around a map. An example would be counter strike with bots which wander around a map to mimic a human player. An example would be the A* search algorithm.
Alternatively in games like chess, checkers and other 2-player games, an AI search strategy would be the MiniMax algorithm, one player denoted min, one player denoted max. The objective is for each to maximise their goal. One player wants a high score and will choose an action which leads to a maximum value, the defeating player wants to minimise the score hence the MiniMax terminology used. Value in this context would be denoted a state, Many states exist equal to the number of legal chess moves possible to a player, e.g. choose the move with the best state (best min or max value relative to player min or max).
Alternatively in games like chess, checkers and other 2-player games, an AI search strategy would be the MiniMax algorithm, one player denoted min, one player denoted max. The objective is for each to maximise their goal. One player wants a high score and will choose an action which leads to a maximum value, the defeating player wants to minimise the score hence the MiniMax terminology used. Value in this context would be denoted a state, Many states exist equal to the number of legal chess moves possible to a player, e.g. choose the move with the best state (best min or max value relative to player min or max).